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Thread: Lymph Node Update - Scared

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Lymph Node Update - Scared

    Quote Originally Posted by darkside4k View Post
    I think expressing my fears and concerns here is an outlet. A place for all the worry and anxiety to vent a little bit.

    The surgeon said I could see an ENT for follow up. He didn't guarantee it was "nothing".

    It's the combination of symptoms that is concerning. If it was just this node and no other real symptoms, I don't think I would be concerned, but it's:

    - Node
    - Itching all over (Itching hand literally woke me up)
    - Feeling of fullness / nausea in upper left stomach area (swollen spleen common in Lymphoma)
    - Neck pain
    Just because you can see an ENT doesn't mean you need to. Why can't you just have a swollen node or beck ache. Everytime you post it is always cancer this or cancer that! Itching can be just that. Itching! You also wouldn't see an ENT for cancer, if it was thought you had it, you have had other testing done right away.

    Your posts are down right disrespectful to people whom have cancer and to people like me whose family is fighting cancer and lost family to it. Move on with your life.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: Lymph Node Update - Scared

    Quote Originally Posted by Elen View Post
    Darkside vent if it helps but at least have the decency to preface your post with how irrational you are being
    I repeat and yes you are being totally irrational
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  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Lymph Node Update - Scared

    Quote Originally Posted by darkside4k View Post
    You would see an ENT for a swollen lymph node in your neck. That's literally who the surgeon said I should see.
    Then you should be reassured by that. Some are not so fortunate.

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Lymph Node Update - Scared

    Quote Originally Posted by darkside4k View Post
    This time I don't know how irrational I'm being to be honest. I feel quite ill. I feel like I'm going to throw up and have this weird fullness feeling in my left side. I believe it's my spleen that is swollen from the lymphoma.
    I have had my spleen removed and I can tell you now,You do not have Lymphoma.
    Maybe the “fullness” you feel is just wind,and feeling ill is your anxious thoughts.

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Lymph Node Update - Scared

    It is kind of annoying that you WILL NOT answer the question about treating the illness (health anxiety) that you actually do have. You have been asked that question SO MANY TIMES in your various threads and you completely ignore it. Are you truly not aware that you have a huge medical problem of health anxiety??? I would go see a therapist instead of an ENT. Maybe your “lymphoma” will be cured along with your health anxiety, WHICH IS THE ACTUAL DISEASE YOU SUFFER FROM......... oh Darkside you need help for this.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #36
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: Lymph Node Update - Scared

    Quote Originally Posted by darkside4k View Post
    It's been a few weeks since I posted.

    Unfortunately, it's not good news..
    That is quite the leap. A slightly enlarged node (and that is not necessarily even considered enlarged, a doctor would know) is not "bad news " or not "not good news" if you don't mind a double negative.

    All you know is you have a node over 1 cm. That's it.

    Unless your mom is qualified to read the image, size means nothing in and of itself.

    You are doing the most basic hypochondriac thing in the world---- immediately jumping to the absolute worst case scenario based on a very preliminary finding. I have done it a gazillion times. I am a lumpy person for some reason and have been put through testing and screening to rule out cancer 4 times (breast lump, armpit node, urethral mass, and toe mass). With the breast and toe masses, I took the fact that there was something as absolute evidence that I had cancer when, in reality, an ultrasound or imaging is just the first step in a diagnostic process. I was sent for biopsy for the breast and the armpit, that is the next step in the process and, of people who are sent for biopsy, MOST do not have cancer. That was the case for me!

    So, bottom line. You are way ahead of yourself. You didn't even have a doctor recommend the ultrasound. You asked your mom! You are nowhere near cancer.

    Next time, do not ask your mom to do ultrasounds. She really shouldn't concede to that, imo, as it is fueling your disease fantasy. But, ultimately, it is YOUR responsibility to not put her in that position and to set limits on yourself.

    Go through the proper channels, which is a doctor. I haven't read this whole thread so I don't know if a doctor has seen you. If s/he has and said to come back if it's still there in a month, that's what you should have done. Otherwise leave this to a doc and not your own imagination and your mom!

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Lymph Node Update - Scared

    I feel very nauseous again today after eating. And full. I swear it must be my spleen. It's been going on for three days now. The itching hasn't been *as bad* today as previous few weeks. I just feel so sick after eating.

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Lymph Node Update - Scared

    Quote Originally Posted by darkside4k View Post
    I feel very nauseous again today after eating. And full. I swear it must be my spleen. It's been going on for three days now. The itching hasn't been *as bad* today as previous few weeks. I just feel so sick after eating.
    *sigh* not ever going to address the anxiety, are you? People have taken a lot of time repeatedly to try and help you and you ignore every post people spend time out of their lives to make regarding the anxiety.

    Have you ever responded to anyone at all about the anxiety? Until you deal with the anxiety, this cycle will repeat over and over and over again.

    Best of luck to you, wish you all the best, but I think I have to check out of your threads now.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: Lymph Node Update - Scared

    I wanted to post an update here.

    I had my ENT appointment today. She felt my neck and couldn't feel much really. I told her about the ultrasound and she said 2cm is definitely something she would want to see come down but thought we should kinda "watch and wait" to see if it gets any bigger or becomes more palpable. It's not very obvious to feel it just from the outside of my neck.

    She also said with Lymphoma typically it would be a pretty obvious cluster of nodes that are enlarged.

    I dunno... I guess we'll see what happens. I have still been itchy ... though its almost like these pin-prick / ant-bite feelings that I get randomly mainly on my arms. Sometimes it will be a legit itch, but many times it this ant-bite feeling.

    So, that's my update for now. I've been trying to stay pretty Stoic about the whole thing.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Aug 2018

    Re: Lymph Node Update - Scared

    Quote Originally Posted by darkside4k View Post
    I wanted to post an update here.

    I had my ENT appointment today. She felt my neck and couldn't feel much really. I told her about the ultrasound and she said 2cm is definitely something she would want to see come down but thought we should kinda "watch and wait" to see if it gets any bigger or becomes more palpable. It's not very obvious to feel it just from the outside of my neck.

    She also said with Lymphoma typically it would be a pretty obvious cluster of nodes that are enlarged.

    I dunno... I guess we'll see what happens. I have still been itchy ... though its almost like these pin-prick / ant-bite feelings that I get randomly mainly on my arms. Sometimes it will be a legit itch, but many times it this ant-bite feeling.

    So, that's my update for now. I've been trying to stay pretty Stoic about the whole thing.

    Was she worried about the 2 cm? Did she think it would take a biopsy?

    the translator did not translate that phrase correctly
    "and she said 2cm is definitely something she would want to see come down"
    Last edited by epistore; 13-09-18 at 18:21.

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