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Thread: Do you give yourself credit today??

  1. #1

    Do you give yourself credit today??

    Hi all,
    I'm new to the forum, I'm still trying to figure, if this is the place for me! I love to read the post, and know that I am not alone in struggling with HA, but, no one person ever wants to hear me whine, about what I THINK, I might have! Everyday is a struggle for me! Constant worry!

    I know I have health anxiety, big time! I worry for me, for my family, and even strangers. I worry all day long. All with a smile on my face. If you didn't know me, you would never know! The symptoms get me every time. Just when I think I am doing well......BAM something happens, whether it be my heart skipping a beat (which I swear it stops!) or my latest DIZZY, of course at work! I just want to go home and climb in bed, and bury my head in the sand! Then.... the funk that your in after the symptom! (the what if's) Omg, is it going to happen again? What if I am driving down the road, what if it happens again, while i'm at work, what if I really am dying? oh that vicious, vicious cycle, that no one person can relate to, unless your living it!!!!

    I have a hard time even getting in my car, that's probably one of the hardest things for me to do, is pull away from my house, my comfort zone, my dogs, my family!!!! I got in that car! I drove to my husbands job, and I felt like but I made it, I made it there and back! This gave me more hope for tomorrow morning, when its time to go to work! There was a song on the radio by Jason Mraz - The Remedy ( I wont worry my life away) . I don't even know what the song is about, but I clearly heard the words, I wont worry my life away! It hits home. As to I do not want to worry all day, everyday. I'm sure I still will, as a matter of fact I know I will, I seem to be stuck in a pattern I can't get out of. BUT I will give myself credit, and I will keep fighting the fight, and I will try not to worry!

    Please give yourself credit for something today, don't beat yourself up for wondering, or worrying. I am sure you did something great today and I am sure you are a great person, just stuck in the cycle like me!
    hugs to all! Mckenzie

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Do you give yourself credit today??

    Thank you so much for this! I needed it. I'm in a rough patch now with my anxiety. I got antibiotics for a sinus infection. I was really nervous about taking the meds since they are ones I've never had... but I just did it. And honestly, I felt better only moments later because I realized nothing happened to me. My doctor has been telling me to take Flonase for my sinus issues, but spraying something up my nose always gives me anxiety... but, today I brought it finally. I haven't used it yet, but I'm going to try to make myself do it later.

    Also, even though I've had a horrible week, I've managed to get in 12 out of the 15 hours of freelance work I need to finish by tonight. I almost emailed my client multiple times to say I was sick and wouldn't get in the full 15, but I'm making myself do it. Once I get those last 3 hours done I can sit back, rest, play with my daughter, and enjoy myself for a bit.

    Anxiety is such a hard and lonely road. Thanks for the reminder that we're all in it together and even small victories are important to celebrate!

  3. #3

    Re: Do you give yourself credit today??

    Aww ErinKC, your so welcome! Good for you, getting all that work done, and not feeling well! You should be so proud of yourself! We are so hard on ourselves, and focus so much on what we can't do, or how we feel, or what people think of us, we never give ourselves a break. You are stronger then you think, look how much you got done! Nice job! Know your not alone either, I'm just like you, I cant stand taking any kind of medicine! Hope you feel better soon, and you have a really great week this week!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Do you give yourself credit today??

    Positivity is always welcome! More of it is always needed on here.

    Noting wrong with needing a vent now & again. You will find plenty of people will offer support to you. I think if your attitude is more to tackle it and keep working on recovery you will find more people will be willing to engage with yo anyway as they will either gain from your threads pointing them in the right direction or appreciate your willingness to fight back. The latter is where people get frustrated with each other on here.

    Don't be afraid to post if you need support.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Do you give yourself credit today??

    Good post doxiemama

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: Do you give yourself credit today??

    Thank you for that post! Was much needed and made me smile Good for you that you had you got out of the house and are giving yourself credit for it! I managed to stoo my health anxiety getting me into a spiral today.. I had a horrible morning at work and started getting breathless again. It took me about 4 hours but I managed to tell myself I’m not dying of cancer today which is more than I could have done a few months ago! Love the positivity and hope you feel better soon!

  7. #7

    Re: Do you give yourself credit today??

    Aww Sabbine17, you made me smile. You all made me Thank you! I'm so glad you didn't spiral today. I had one of those days at work also, but we won't beat ourselves up, we made it through, and will still here to tell about it! We did great! and will give ourselves credit for that!
    My name is Terry, and Magic, you guys are so sweet thank you for all the positive reinforcement on here!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: Do you give yourself credit today??

    Great post! I think a lot of us forget to do this, I know I do. When I struggle it's all negative self-talk and even when I'm not struggling there's a lot of it. I will try to remind myself to brag (even if just to myself) on my successes even if they're small.

    Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

  9. #9

    Re: Do you give yourself credit today??

    jray, BRAG away, you deserve it!!!! we all definitely deserve it. I still feel like a bubble head, and I am petrified of going to work, that it will happen again! BUT.......I did it, I made it through another day! If I didn't attempt work, I would really be sad, but the fact that I made it thorough even bubble headed, and drove! I'm proud! Hope your all doing well! Mckenzie
    Last edited by doxiemama; 25-09-18 at 23:26. Reason: spelling

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Do you give yourself credit today??

    I really just love the idea of this post so much. It's such good therapy. Today I took my daughter and I out for a lovely healthy lunch, finally got to the grocery store, cleaned out the fridge, and got all the dishes done. I got outside a bit, got some work done, and made a nice dinner. I even signed up to do a yoga class with my friend tomorrow night. My leg/foot have been tingly all day and I didn't google anything at all! I also searched for a new therapist closer to home than the one I've been seeing sporadically so that I can make therapy a bigger/more consistent part of my life and I emailed on that sounded like a good fit. Tomorrow I'm also planning to finally go to the gym I've been planning to join and sign up! I want to start swimming both for exercise and relaxation and I need to make it happen!

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