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Thread: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Headaches/migraines: not headaches as such-occasional "head zaps"

    ion, runny nose, etc.): no

    othaches: occasionally

    nerve pain, bleeding): no

    cial numbness: no

    Adult acne: some occasional spots

    Difficulty swallowing: yes most days

    Ringing in ears/pain: sometimes

    TMJ: ?

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - both occasionally

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - sometimes

    Hands trembling: Yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):
    Yes - slight

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Occasionally

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - very tender in breast area-also pain emanating in nipple area frequently

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): not lumps as such-more nodules outside skin

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): some tummy aches

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - period pain when not due

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea and constipation all colours of the rainbow!

    Frequent urination: Yes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - weakness and tenderness in calves and thighs-alleviated with deep massage

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness sometimes(pins and needles)

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - hips stiff in morning also right shoulder regardless of how i sleep

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching especially hands and feet

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: sometimes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: sometimes

    Irritable / impatient: Occasionally to often

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes nearly every day

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: dependant on the day i'm having-on a good day i am able to go to town alone-bad day stay in bed all day

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes

    Insomnia: sometimes

    Finally, how old are you?
    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, ?. Physically, 70

    Your mind is a sacred enclosure into which nothing harmful can enter except by your own promotion.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

    Vision disturbances: sometimes

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

    Toothaches: no

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

    Facial numbness: Yes

    Adult acne: yes

    Difficulty swallowing: sometimes

    Ringing in ears/pain: earache sometimes

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: joint pain in both

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - carpal tunnel syndrome

    Hands trembling: no

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sometimes -

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of them

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): sometimes

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):no

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - all

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes -random

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood) no

    Frequent urination: Yes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": no

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - inflammation

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - creeping feeling -sometimes

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: sometimes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: no

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: No

    Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Not really

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: nearly fell into the agoraphobia trap

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

    Insomnia: No

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, 20-25. Physically, a lot older than my years

    Comment - the anwsers i gave are how i will feel on my off days , my back/joint pain is every day .

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , Australia.

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Headaches/migraines: sometimes

    Vision disturbances: no

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

    Toothaches: no

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

    Facial numbness: no

    Adult acne: no

    Difficulty swallowing: no

    Ringing in ears/pain: no

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

    Hands trembling: no

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): no

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): sometimes -

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of them

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): no

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): no

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):no

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - pain right side

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood) no

    Frequent urination: no

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": no

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: sometimes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): no

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: sometimes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: no

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: no

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes

    Irritable / impatient: yes

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): sometimes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: nearly fell into the agoraphobia trap: no

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

    Insomnia: No

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, 25. Physically, 35

  4. #24

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - russy nose a lot, I think mostly due to crying though

    Toothaches: Yes

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

    Facial numbness: No

    Adult acne: No

    Difficulty swallowing: Yes

    Ringing in ears/pain: No

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

    Hands trembling: Yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): N

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes, all of the above really! lol

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Just the racing and hard thumps. Lucky enough to not suffer from palpitations

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No
    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Lots of nausea, aches, and pains. Almost constantly when I'm having anxious days/weeks.

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes.

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes, occasional diarrhea

    Frequent urination: Yes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes "jelly legs" mostly

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes, really badly when I'm anxious and panicky. I wear layers and layers, especially when I can't sleep and am in bed, and never feel warm.

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: No

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: No

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes, sadly I suffer from depression.

    Irritable / impatient: Occasionally yes

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes a lot

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Slightly

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: Not really

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

    Insomnia: Yes, horribly so

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, 20. Physically, 15-20.
    One day at a time

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    Lightbulb Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    [quote=Itzomi;249602]Hello everyone,

    I posted this poll on another board and found the responses interesting. I was hoping everyone here could fill this questionnaire out (removing my answers & replacing them with yours) so that we can see who all shares our symptoms. (These symptoms can be something you're currently experiencing or had problems with in the past.) THANKS!!

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - migraines

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - congestion every day

    Toothaches: no

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no

    Facial numbness: no

    Adult acne: No

    Difficulty swallowing: yes

    Ringing in ears/pain: somtimes

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: no

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no

    Hands trembling: Yes, but whole body as well

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): Yes - slight

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - but i have asthma

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - palpitations

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - lower

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): yes both

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Y

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity):

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes -indigestion,acid reflux and gas

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): no

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - diarrhea and constipation

    Frequent urination: Yes

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes - every day

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: no

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - pain and stiffness

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): no

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

    Overall weakness: Yes

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations:no

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes sometimes

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": no

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: yes quite often

    Irritable / impatient: yes

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: sometimes

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: yes sometimes

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no

    Insomnia: most of the time

    Finally, how old are you? 39

    How old do you feel?: not sure


    Improvement when I'm driving or walking my dog
    My Bipolar takes me to places where Angles fear to tread and the Devil is to scared to go,come and join me we can scare them together

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: no

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): no

    Toothaches: no

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no
    Facial numbness: sometimes

    Adult acne: no
    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: Yes, sometimes

    TMJ: No

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension:No

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): no
    Hands trembling: no

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Only palps and racing

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): no

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes on both different times- Lower rib

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - shooting pains
    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): no

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - gas

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - left lower

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): sometimes - runny

    Frequent urination: no

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": no
    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: Yes - numbness

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: no

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - itching, psoriasis

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: no

    Overall weakness:
    Feeling like you're about to faint: sometimes - waves of.

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes - sometimes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes - joints, backs of hand

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot):no

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): yes - hands

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: a little

    Irritable / impatient: Yes

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No - opposite need to be with others all time.

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: YES
    Agoraphobia or other phobias: No
    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Not yet

    Insomnia: sometimes

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, 20. Physically, 60


    Fine when with family and friends, need to talk about it. Worse when at home or isolated.(!!).


  7. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Headaches/migraines: Yes both !!

    Vision disturbances: yes (headaches and visual stuff going on as we speak)
    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): yes
    Toothaches: no

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): no - dont think so
    Facial numbness: only prior to migraine

    Adult acne: yes - how annoying never had it as a kid !!

    Difficulty swallowing: sometimes
    Ringing in ears/pain: yes all the dam time - although think this is side effect from my meds

    TMJ: yes

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: yes - left mainly
    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): yes
    Hands trembling: no but i get jelly legs

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):
    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): yep i get this alot right now

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: have had yes
    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): yip

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides):er yeah but think this is due to my ibs and colon !!
    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): not really

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): god yeah - thought it was jsut me ha ha

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yeyes i have IBS

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): see above

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): see above
    Frequent urination: hell yeah

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": yip - but also think this is due to meds
    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: yes

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: sometimes

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): yes - crawling feeling

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: yes
    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: yes - my worst nightmare
    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: no

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: yes have had that once or twice

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: no
    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): yes
    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold):no

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: no

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: no

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": no
    Chronic fatigue:yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": yes sometimes

    Feeling clumsy: yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: only when really bad

    Irritable / impatient: no

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world):no

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: have been

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: only a little
    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): no
    Insomnia: yes - can fall asleep but cant stay asleep

    Finally, how old are you?
    30 next month

    How old do you feel?:
    dont really feel any age to be honest - old lol
    Jeni xx

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Headaches/migraines: No

    Vision disturbances: Sometimes

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes

    Toothaches: Yes

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

    Facial numbness: No

    Adult acne: No

    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: Occassionally

    TMJ: Probably )

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

    Hands trembling: No

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges): No

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): No

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): No, but then I don't look...

    Frequent urination: \No

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Yes

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Very rarely

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Most of the time

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes!

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Sometimes

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: Yes

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: No

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Very occassionally. I fight this though, I don't want to go down this path.

    Irritable / impatient: Yes

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Sometimes

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: No. Prefer being alone with my doom thoughts.

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: No.

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

    Insomnia: Never

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:


    I WILL beat this.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Physical Symptoms

    Headaches/migraines: No

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes, blocked ears every day since xmas

    Toothaches: No, only when wisdom teeth are coming through

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): No

    Facial numbness: No

    Adult acne: A little

    Difficulty swallowing: No

    Ringing in ears/pain: Yes

    TMJ: I grind my teeth quite a lot

    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: No

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: No

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): No

    Hands trembling: Yes

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): No

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: No

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): No

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): No

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): No

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): No

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes, all of the above

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): No

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Diarrhea when very anxious

    Frequent urination: No

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": Weakness when anxious

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: No

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): No

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: No

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: When anxious

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: When anxious

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: No

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: No

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): No

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): Yes

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Sometimes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: No

    Overall feeling of being "off": Around the time of my period

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Occasionally. Usually around period

    Irritable / impatient: Occasionally

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): No

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: No

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: Yes, phobia of trains, doctors, dentists and coaches

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): No

    Insomnia: Occasionally

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    18 (the age I was before all this started!)

    Comments: I seem to be getting better with help from friends and family

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: Everyone, please: Symptoms Questionnaire :)

    Headaches/migraines: Yes - headaches

    Vision disturbances: No

    Sinus issues (congestion, runny nose, etc.): Yes - Sinus Pain (never thought it was connected to my anxiety though)

    Toothaches: No

    Gum issues (nerve pain, bleeding): Yes - Nerve pain

    Facial numbness: No

    Adult acne: Yes

    Difficulty swallowing: Sometimes

    Ringing in ears/pain: No


    Neck & shoulder stiffness/tension: Yes, Yes Yes

    Numbness in left arm/right arm/both: Yes - Left

    Numbness in hands (all over/mostly middle fingers): Yes - Sometimes all over sometimes just fingers

    Hands trembling: No

    Fingernail issues (splitting/cracking, ridges):

    Chest discomfort (sharp pain, dull ache, pressure, inability to take deep breath): Yes - sharp pain, dull pain, pressure, soreness

    Heart - racing, palpitations, skipped beats/hard thumps: Yes - all of the above

    Back pain (upper. middle, lower): Yes - Upper

    Rib pain (left/right/both sides): Yes, mostly left rib, occasionally right

    Breast discomfort (pain, sensitivity, burning sensations): Yes - all of the above (didn't think this was connected to anxiety either

    Underarm issues (lumps, sensitivity): Yes - Occassionaly ache

    Stomach issues (sharp pain, dull ache, indigestion, acid reflux, gas, nausea): Yes - loads, all of the above

    Abdominal issues (pain - left side, right side, middle, random): Yes - random

    Intestinal issues (diarrhea, constipation, flat stools, consistently discolored stools, appearance of blood): Yes - Constipation

    Frequent urination: No

    Legs - muscular weakness, frequent twitching, "jelly legs": No

    Feet/toes - numbness, pain: No

    Joint pain/stiffness/inflammation: Yes - Stiffness and pain

    Skin issues (itching, "bugs crawling under skin" feeling, eczema, psoriasis): Yes - Restless legs

    Overall "traveling" random muscle aches & pains: Yes

    Overall weakness:

    Feeling like you're about to faint: Yes

    Inner feeling of shakiness/giddiness: Yes

    Feeling as though a weight is being pressed down on your head: Yes

    Random body parts feeling heated/burning sensations: Yes

    Feeling warm/hot all over (when it isn't warm/hot): Yes

    Feeling chilled (when it isn't cold): No

    Psychological Symptoms

    Chronic worrying: Yes

    Feeling like you're going to go crazy: Yes

    Sense of impending doom / "days are numbered": Yes

    Chronic fatigue: No

    Overall feeling of being "off": Yes

    Feeling clumsy: Yes

    Depression - no longer interested in hobbies, getting out of the house, etc.: Yes

    Irritable / impatient: Yes

    Self-absorption (needing to be alone / difficulty feeling affection for others / shying away from the outside world): Yes, sometimes but never my own close family (husband and children)

    Afraid to be alone / clingy: Yes sometimes

    Agoraphobia or other phobias: Sometimes wonder if that is what is ahead of me

    OCD (checking & rechecking locked doors, iron, stove): Yes but mostly concerned about germs

    Insomnia: No

    Finally, how old are you?

    How old do you feel?:
    Mentally, 18 Physically, Older than I am.


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