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Thread: BALD

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: BALD

    Quote Originally Posted by KK77 View Post
    This is true: the OP has simply reflected and adopted societal prejudices which are unfortunately very prevalent. Moreover, these skewed generalisations of what "normal" should be are ruining many (especially young) people's lives. Add mental illness into the mix and matters become even more distorted and dangerous.

    And of course, to think that either gender only sees what's on the "inside" is not a true reflection of reality either. The problem is that outside pressures have created a very imbalanced and confused picture.
    Agreed. I'm glad I'm a bit older because the dating scene must be a very different experience now for many? Sexuality & gender have become untangled and now we have so many labels it's hard to keep up.

    I can't help but feel a lot of respect for someone who only looks to the inside. For instance, someone with a physically or mentally disabled partner (and anyone who has suffered physical trauma that has caused disfiguration, for instance) who would find dating far more difficult.
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: BALD

    Quote Originally Posted by worriedwithfear View Post
    When's the last time you saw a bald man dating/going out with a really good looking woman?

    It's rare in my opinion, even for those bald guys who still look good with a bald head.

    A receding and obvious balding is clearly unattractive but totally bald puts women off too. Of course there'll be some women who will be into the bald look but it's more of a "fetish" kind of thing. Baldness is seen as universally unattractive and if you are bald at a relatively young age, your dating prospects really take a blow.

    I'm in my mid 30s now and still searching for someone to share my life with. I don't want to believe all the sympathetic cries of "it's what inside that counts" and it's about confidence etc. but the reality is that women care about looks as much as men do and generally speaking baldness is not viewed as attractive. A bald shiny head is for the vast majority of women not something that turns their heads in the same way overweight women aren't going to have men chasing after them in a hurry.
    Your shitty, judgemental attitude is far more likely to be a turn off to woman than your lack of hair.

    I'm mostly attracted to slim, white women. I guess it's being white that does that along with the media's portrayal of beauty as I grew up.

    However, the mother of my children is Asian (who I didn't meet until I was 35), and I think Queen Latifah is extremely sexy. In other words, it doesn't matter.
    Last edited by ankietyjoe; 08-10-18 at 10:48.

  3. #13

    Re: BALD

    I really think that a bald man can attract women just as well as others

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: BALD

    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 17-10-18 at 05:31.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Re: BALD

    Gregor Fisher says it all really!!!

    It must be traumatic to lose all your hair at an early age, I remember being in a panic when I first realised my hair was receding in my 20s, but you do have to get beyond this and open yourself up to all the possibilities out there. Love often comes about when you least expect it, often from an unlikely source.

    You don't do yourself any favours by your own prejudices against larger ladies. Maybe I'm biased because I prefer the 'cuddly' type, but I do find the obsession with women being slim, ladies fashions and its links with anorexia etc quite disturbing. Having said that, I would have been open to anyone, of any size/ability/colour/whatever when I was on my own if I felt we had enough in common. If you stopped being so judgmental, might you not be happy if it was an unexpected loving larger lady that was not troubled by your bald pate? I'm not saying because you're 'bald', you have to accept something 'lessser', just be a bit less prejudiced!!!!!! Everyone has feelings, just be a bit more understanding and respectful to ALL the ladies! In my experience, most women will value that and you might end up making two people happy!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: BALD

    Gregor was before his time. With that dress sense nowadays he would be called a hipster.

    I'm lucky in my family as the men tend to keep their hair. My dad has lots of grey and has lost nothing now into his mid seventies. Knowing my luck it will fall out due to anxiety and I'll have to head to one of those hair transplant clinics where apparently they will sow on some of Wayne Rooney's bumfluff...I wonder if there is any on Ebay?
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: BALD

    Whether or not you conform to our society's current perception of 'attractive' is simply the luck of the draw. Nothing you can do about that, and nothing most of the population can do about that either . However, its my view that physical attractiveness is overridden every single time by personality and other positive behavioural attributes. I know this is also the view of the majority of people, who don't believe that attractiveness is defined by how many hairs you have on your head. So, yes, I WILL say its what you have inside, despite you not wanting to hear that - as all evidence points to that being the case. The good news is that this is something that every single person CAN do something about !

    Baldness - I didn't actually realise that was still seen as important nowdays, honestly. It never occurred to me that some people out there still viewed people negatively for a lack of hair.

    I love the comment from Tyke above, its spot on!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: BALD

    Quote Originally Posted by worriedwithfear View Post
    When's the last time you saw a bald man dating/going out with a really good looking woman?

    It's rare in my opinion, even for those bald guys who still look good with a bald head.

    A receding and obvious balding is clearly unattractive but totally bald puts women off too. Of course there'll be some women who will be into the bald look but it's more of a "fetish" kind of thing. Baldness is seen as universally unattractive and if you are bald at a relatively young age, your dating prospects really take a blow.

    I'm in my mid 30s now and still searching for someone to share my life with. I don't want to believe all the sympathetic cries of "it's what inside that counts" and it's about confidence etc. but the reality is that women care about looks as much as men do and generally speaking baldness is not viewed as attractive. A bald shiny head is for the vast majority of women not something that turns their heads in the same way overweight women aren't going to have men chasing after them in a hurry.

    Hi, going by what you have written, I'm guessing you wrote it out of frustration. I'm guessing you have very low confidence and social anxiety hence why you've never had a relationship and have posted here. I could see how losing your hair would be another problem to add to the ones you already have. You didn't want to hear it but unfortunately "whats inside" is massively important. I think maybe working on your confidence will help you the most.

    Good luck

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: BALD

    First of all I did laugh that as soon as I clicked on this thread a pop for hair replacement came up they don't miss a trick .
    As a bald overweight middle aged man I'd can honestly say I get women flirting with me most weeks and given my personality is somwhere between Jack Dee and victor Meldrew it can't be that , it's not my money they are after either unless they are after change for parking meter , fat and bald is the new tall dark and hanson's going out with a chubby means less guilt about loving chocolate for women and no woman wants a man nicking her hair dryer and spending more time in the bathroom than her .
    Looks will only take you so far , paying someone a compliment or making them laugh makes a longer lasting impression than how good their hair looks.
    The media try's to make us all believe if we don't look a certain way we should put a paper bag on our heads or only go out after dark , real life isn't like that it's just media bullshit , I always notice the curvy women more than the thin ones but that's just my taste.
    So here's one for the ladiees me with my bald head covered in ice cream in Asda today ( yes it's actually me ) try not to fall in love , enjoy
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  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: BALD

    Good stuff there Buster! My experience with baldness wasn't traumatic by any means but I did try to hang onto it by letting it grow in the back. I wore a pony tail for years. That is..... Until I watched an episode of "The Simpsons" and I saw "Comic Book Guy". It was at that moment that a cartoon version of my future popped into my brain and I decided to shave it all off!

    Seriously though, I personally liked it a lot and I guess it showed as it really helped my social life! Guess it comes back to whats inside that counts.

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