I'm wondering if anybody knows how often white blood cell counts fluctuate? From total count to granulocytes, lymphocytes, monocytes, etc. I ask because this past two weeks I have had three complete blood cell count tests done with differential. I have been having these done because of a low red blood cell count I had that has now come back up and has been steady since. But my white blood cells keep fluctuating. At first they were all normal then certain ones dipped under normal range while some went up slightly over normal range, with some fluctuation in total white blood cells being in normal range but still changing. Is this normal? Whenever I get my blood tests for my physical every year they are usually consistent but now it seems everything is out of wack. Is it normal fluctuation and the only reason I'm seeing this is because I'm having so many blood testes in a short amount of time? I'm not sure what to think and it's making me uneasy.
