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Thread: To Emetophobia sufferers

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Everyone

    I am so glad I found this website!! I have suffered from emetephobia for years. and few people realise how debilitating it can actually be. The lack of public knowledge about this phobia also tends to make me feel something of a freak, especially when people look blankly at you when you try to explain your fear to them.
    I also suffer from panic attacks, and IBS, so as you can imagine my life is one long party!!
    I was just wondering what everyone else did to keep their spirits up, and whether anyone has ever been cured?
    Really nice to know Im not alone!


  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Vicky

    Welcome aboard the forum. Good to see you here.

    You may like to start your own topic under "Introduce yourself" as this one may get missed.

    Hope we can be of some help.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi everyone, I'm Helena and this is my first post on this forum.

    I'm so glad I came across this on a google search (trying to reassure myself again, we've all done it[:I]) I have suffered from a phobia of being sick for several years now, and it has had a drastic impact on my life. I'm 15 now, and coming up to very important school exams, but I can't go to school as I am so afraid of being sick there. Because of my phobia, I get panic attacks and feel constantly unwell as I am convinced I am going to be sick most of the time! And don't even get me started on if I have to come in contact with an ill person, panic doesn't even begin to cover it! My school's idea of coping with my panic attacks is to put me in the medical room... duh, I'm scared of getting ill, not a good idea to put me with all the sick people, some people just don't get it. I am having therapy, and have tried many different methods, but nothing has really helped me. I got over my fears once before a few years ago, but now they are back, and worse than ever. And just to top it all off, I am now suffering from depression due to the effects this has had on my life.

    It's good to read that I'm not the only one out there! If anyone has any adivce, feel free to get in touch.

    Hellie xx

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Welcome aboard the forum.

    Let's hope we can help you get over this.


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    I've had this phobia for 6/7 years now. Most of the time its only at the back of my mind but over the past few months its taken over, and i keep getting panic attacks.

    I'm 19 and in my 1st year at university. Finally went to my doctor about this about a month ago, told her about panic attacks. She gave me tablets and sent me for counselling. The tablets didnt agree with me, made me feel really ill, so I'm trying to cope without them 4 a while. The counselling is helping a bit, but i find it hard to open up. The counsellor thinks it might be linked to my dad dying when i was 8, cos it made me lose my trust in the flow of life.

    He's given me some things to do, to reduce my anxiety levels, like meditation. And mantras to say to myself when i feel my anxiety levels rising. It's still hard though. Theres always that little voice at the back of my head saying I'm not imagining it.

    Anyway, its good to find other people with this problem.
    And I hope we can help each other.


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi all,

    I've also suffered from the fear of vomitting since I was about 7 years old. It's something that bothers me more when I'm in an anxious phase of life and boy is it bothering me now!
    I was going through quite a tough time at work before christmas and ignored the signs that I was becoming stressed and anxious. I realised one day that I could feel the sandwiches I was eating entering my stomach and started to feel very anxious and did the normal "take 2 rennies and make it better". A couple of weeks later, I was taking a walk with my boss to the local shops at lunchtime and it was absolutely FREEZING cold, I began to tense which in turn tensed my throat and made me feel like wretching which in turn made me feel petrified that I'd vomit. Since then I've been on the sick from work and now constantly concentrate on my throat making it feel nervous, tight and "on the edge" of a wretch. It's horrible and I'm not sure (and neither is my GP) what to do to begin to cope with this and relax my throat.

    Apparently people who suffer the fear of vomit are the LEAST likely people to vomit because they put so much effort into fending it off, apparently the notion of vomitting is very much a mind triggered event!

    I have been referred to a psychologist but knowing the NHS this could take up to 6 months or more.

    I used to feel embarassed about this phobia but my dad also has the same fear and I recently discovered a friend does too! Not as uncommon as you think!



  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    I also have this phobia - it's definitely not uncommon. It's horrible, it seems to be always at the back of my mind, and I can't ignore the fear.

    I hate it most when a panic attack grips and you can't work out if it's a basic panic and you feel sick because you're panicking, or you're panicking because you actually feel sick. It makes panic so much harder to shake off.

    I haven't been sick in years, so I often think maybe it's a fear of the unknown. But at the same time, I've read things about emetophobics who have vomitted and it hasn't cured their fear at all. After all, no one likes to be sick!

    It's good to know I'm not the only one. I haven't told my doctor or anything about the fear. And I've mostly concentrated on talking through general anxiety with my counsellor (who I no longer see). I wish they could perscribe a really powerful anti-emetic that I could always have in my bag/pocket etc., I'd always know I wouldn't have to be sick then.

    RD xx

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    I have this phobia, and (oh god please don't let this jinx me) i haven't been sick in many many years not even during pregnancy.
    It is a dreaful phobia to suffer it has ruled my life for 15 years i have no idea where it started.
    It might help to know that i have had alot of therapy seen alot of docs/therapists, and more recently the practice nurse at my doctors who had a few words of comfort, she told me it isn't that easy to catch a bug if you try to stay away from the vomit itself, ie if someone is sick then try to avoid cleaning it, the germs are only in the sick, so if you can avoid cleaning it chances are you wont pick up the germ, the spores from it can only survive a matter of mins in the imidiate space around it after that they evaporate and die off.........if bugs passed on that easy doctors nurses teachers etc would never be able to work, as she said she worked in a hospital for 21 years and never picked up a stomache bug ( not sure i belived that bit but still) she meant well, and another bit of info that might make you feel slightly better, if people are sick from drink/food/ long as you havent had the same you wont catch it, that sort of sickness is not contagious, and i have leaned over the years that "i've been sick" is the oldest trick in the book for a day off work/uni/school.
    Be happy
    Sharon xxxxx

  9. #19
    howdie...well i got sick new years 04 ... so its been a little over a year before that it was 7yr s.... i know people that have gone 15-20yrs without vomiting its unlikely you will never again get sick but its possibly...ive been emetophobic all my like you got horrible in jan 04 after i got sick i started starving myself i was so afraid to eat..lost 22lbs and was put in the now i fear vomiting even more because i dont know how i will handle it you know[V]


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    this is so surreal... I am new here and it is such a relief to find others who have the same fear. Well I guess the first thing I should say is that I haven't been sick for nearly 18 years. Wow, that sounds a lot! I really don't understand how I can be so afraid of something I haven't done for that long but hey I guess thats what a phobia is all about eh. I guess in my head I have convinced myself that I can control whether I am sick or not myself so I don't worry as much about that (although when I am woken up at 2am feeling sick of course massive panic attack anyway... even though I know I will probably not actually be sick!) My other big fear is seeing/hearing/being near other people being sick. That is something I have to face nearly everyday as I am a primary school teacher and you just never know with 5 year olds! Anyway, I am gettin a bit carried away because I am so excited to find other people who feel the same! But I better leave it there cos I will probably never find this thread again anyway lol is it possible to get lost on the internet?!!
    Tam xxx

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