Had a small crusty bump on my scalp for a few weeks and it wasn’t going away so went to see my GP who briefly examined it and said it was nothing to worry about and that it was probably an infected hair folicle in a deep layer of scalp skin and prescribed me some antibiotics to help it along. I asked him clearly if it was anything sinister and he said no, he didn’t think it was at all.

All good? Well yes, up til the next bit when he added “if it doesn’t go away, go to a dermatologist next time in case they need to biopsy it or something” OH GREAT. Even though he added “I don’t think they will need to do that at all”, it of course set my anxiety off and over a day later I’m still panicking.

Can someone PLEASE talk me down? My intelligent self is telling me that he only said that because if it doesn’t go away, there is little point in going back to him as he will only refer me to a dermatologist anyway AND I’ve asked a highly trained medical professional, twice, if he thought it was anything concerning and he said NO. Clever, normal me is also aware that a ‘biopsy’ doesn’t only mean testing for you-know-what. BUT then the anxiety side of myself is “Oh he didn’t really examine it/he’s a generalist-what does he know/ why aren’t the antibiotics kicking in yet etc etc etc

I haven’t been like this for ages, I’m disappointed my HA is back, I had hoped it had gone for good. I’ve been through a fair bit of medical stuff this year, some of it a lot more serious than this, and I had the HA under control then. Gaaaaaah!!!!