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Thread: I investigated!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Breast Cancer & Swolen gland

    When I was pregnant I found a lump in my breast, I was referred to the clinic and it was biopsyed where they found it was a fibroadenoma. Now any normal person would say that’s the end of that but no. I’ve had health anxiety before and thought I had it under control but now I just keep worrying about breast cancer! I found another bump and went to the doctor and she said it was my rib cage 🙈 and now I have a cold and a lump under my arm that feels like when you have an ingrown hair, I just keep feeling like everything is a cancer symptom. I also had an abnormal smear and had to have a colposcopy that I’m waiting for the results of which is worrying me although I’ve had the cervical cancer vaccine - I read breast cancers can cause abnormal cells in the cervix ... everything keeps linking. I have a doctor app this afternoon about the underarm lump but I know she will just say it’s becaise of your cold leave it and forget the breast cancer thing. I just keep thinking they are wrong and it will be found and too advanced to cure 😨

    ---------- Post added at 14:57 ---------- Previous post was at 14:24 ----------

    Just felt again and I can’t particularly feel the bump anymore it just feels a bit tender like a blind spot, I feel like I should cancel my appointment because she will just laugh at me and last time I went she said you were at the breast clinic in August they gave u a examination after the fibroadenoma diagnosis ... please forget it and just do monthly checks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Breast Cancer & Swolen gland

    Hiyer Gee,

    You might like to read this thread, which I joined in today, about breast examinations. It gives some good advice for how to do them, and how something things can feel like lumps and then they kind of disappear in different positions.

    I'm really sorry you have the worry of the cervical smear abnormality, that must be really scary. Where is it going on that ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Breast Cancer & Swolen gland

    Maybe I should be but I’m not terrified of the abnormal smear because I’ve had lots of friends who have had it, and when I went for the colposcopy she said she wasn’t worried but routinely takes a biopsy as a check and they will send results in the post, she said she didn’t expect it would need treatment. That was 2 or 3 weeks ago now and no results yet. Paper says 4 weeks. I’m just so hung up on this breast cancer thing. I have lumpy breasts generally and nodules I’ve been told by the breast clinic and GP but then you start to feel like ok so what am I looking for ! If they are naturally lumpy etc! I think I get even more scared because my HA is based around doctors always being wrong - I had a kidney problem as a kid and they misdiagnosed it then surgery was needed so then it started. I also had sepsis in labour due to a midwifes mistake of leaving me with my waters broken so I just always mistrust them unless it’s a definitive tests result.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Breast Cancer & Swolen gland

    Hi again,

    The other lady on this thread has fibrocystic breasts, so has a similar issue to you in not knowing what to look for. It is definitely a thread worth joining for you, as she has said the same 'doesn't know what she is feeling for'. To clarify, what you are looking for is 'something not normal for you'. You can only tell if something is not normal, by knowing what IS normal. You were given a base-line 'all clear' in August, so that means that this is your base-line. The thread talks about when to check, how to check and so on.

    Its not surprising you have developed a mis-trust of medics, based on the two really unfortunate experiences you have had. Please remember though, that you were just unlucky and it is very unusual to have had the two cases you experienced.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Breast Cancer & Swolen gland


    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Breast MRI

    Has anyone ever done further investigation and booked anything privately, or had a couple of breast exams from my GP, and I went to the breast clinic in August for a follow up from a diagnosed fibroadenoma which has shrunk massively since the birth of my baby. Anyway I have such sticky out ribs that aren’t symmetrical which stresses me out and I get occasional kind of stabbing pains (which I’ve read on here can be hormonal and I am due on) I just can’t shake the breast cancer worry! Even my GP said is giving you an examination is very non specific ... and I thought oh great so what the hell fo I do lol

    I’m just in a bit of a state about it, given my health anxiety stems from doctors misdiagnosing things I just can’t let it leave my head - what’s the chances of getting BC at 34... or after a baby does that increase it? I NEVER worried about this before I had this fibroadenoma and now I can’t stop it’s ruining my maternity with my baby!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Breast MRI

    *hugs* I had a breast MRI at 31 because I couldn't let the fear go and it came back completely clear. It cleared my mind for a short while but not for long. I'm back to obsessing over my breasts and I'm also 34 and the MRI was less than 3 years ago. I completely understand your fear.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Breast MRI

    Hiyer, I've picked out this thead for you; It talks about how to do breast exams, when to do them, how to and what to look for - all about 'changes' from normal that you are looking for.

    Hope it helps

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2009

    Re: Breast MRI

    Thank you both, I have an app on my phone that gives me a reminder once a month and shows you how to check so I try my hardest to stick to once a month and not do it in between because that’s obsessive behavior. I keep getting like odd throbbing in both breasts and under arms.. I guess I’m trying to rationalize that if it’s in both and comes and goes it must be hormonal or something - I don’t think I have any new lumps from my most recent check. I’ve had two doctors check too. I’m thinking in 6 months I’m going to book one of those private health checks we get it with our life insurance for cheaper - my goal is lose the weight I want to lose then do that. It’s just stressful worrying about it because the more I think the more I worry how non specific it all is and only if you find a proper lump will anything be done. Especially now my doctors know I worry about it they will be more likely to fob me off. I’m trying to focus on other things like Christmas with my 7 month old and boyfriend and losing my extra baby weight so I’m back to a 8-10 instead of a 12 ... feeling porky is making me stressed too lol but I eat when I’m stressed so it’s a vicious circle haha

    I want to healthy and happy for my baby 👶🏼

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Breast MRI

    Odd throbbing in both, and under arms - you are right - isn't a sign of anything dubious. Are you breast feeding?

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