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Thread: Multiple Low Blood Sugar Feelings Per Day (Blood Sugar Levels Normal)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Multiple Low Blood Sugar Feelings Per Day (Blood Sugar Levels Normal)

    So about 18 months ago I started noticing myself having feelings of low blood sugar, these would come on when I'd be hungry, I eat normally, I dont skip meals, but if I delayed a meal slightly for any reason, or got up late and couldt eat too early I'd have these major low blood sugar like feelings. Its just a very strange sensation that comes over your body, comes very quickly too. I'll feel a little colder than normal, I get this queasy feeling my stomach, my brain will feel foggy, I'll feel shaky all over, my extremities will feel a little weird, and then I'll start worrying I might pass out. I had one huge attack of feeling like I was gonna pass out at a barbers in May of last year, I hadnt eaten lunch before hand.

    Usually though, it was did effect me, but as long as I kept up with my meals and small snacks between I was ok. I did go to the doctor and got no answers.

    Then this week happened, my schedule has been a bit weird with family doctors appointments, struggling to sleep with some other worries (though no worse stress or anxiety than I've dealt with before). Tuesday I had an early appointment with my grandma ,I ate a little breakfast, which was leftover food from last night, easily should have been enough I think to me, about 2 hours after eating I went into a Subway to get us lunch, in the subway I suddenly got lightheaded, and then the feeling like I was going to pass out hit badly. I honestly have no idea how I got through the order I was totally spaced out, my heart started racing as I Felt like I was about to hit the floor from passing out, somehow I didnt and got through but it felt horrible all day. Since then I've noticed this low blood sugar like feeling but its far more prevalent than ever before. I virtually cant go more than 3 hours without eating something now, and it hits very very suddenly. Meals will tide me over longer, eating something small wont. And eating candy or sugar has never fixed this issue..only eating food or a certain amount of food (many times not a very small amount) to fix it.

    This is seriously effecting me though as I am now having to overeat just to keep this feeling at bay, and it only started last week. If im going somewhere and I dont know if I can get a meal quickly im eating something at home beforehand that ordinarilly wouldnt, Even before we go out to eat so I dont have worry about passing out there. Even laying in bed almost every night now I get this sensation and while a few crackers used to tide me over before bed, im now doing milk, crackers, and sometimes a couple other items to just keep me from having this severe feeling.

    Im lost as to what it could be. My blood sugar has probably been taken over 60 times in this time period. Its always almost bang on perfect to what you want. Never too high, never too low. Thursday I was experiencing this and my blood sugar was 95

    Others have mentioned to me adrenal fatigue or HPA Axis Dysfunction as a potential cause of this, Im just out of ideas, but its a very severe thing, I know its not anxiety connected, im tired of it effecting me and im tired of feeling like I have to eat so much this week.

    I go back to my cardiologist on the 19th for a followup and to check up on the 30 day monitor Im wearing for a seperate thing...that we also think could be a hormonal or even adrenal thing and not heart related. I've also had many other signs of some weird stuff going on with adrenaline.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Multiple Low Blood Sugar Feelings Per Day (Blood Sugar Levels Normal)

    Hey, I have had this almost exact feeling too, so you're not alone! It's gone on for about two years, coming and going at random. Like you, I've had my blood sugar tested, I've have blood tests for diabetes, thyroid, head mri, ecg etc,all clear. For me, I get a shaky feeling, and suddenly my energy level just drops. I feel immensely weak, trembly and like I'm going to pass out. This can last for hours or come in waves. My gp is mystified as to the cause. Maybe anxiety overt or subconscious, burns out the adrenals and it causes this to happen? I'm wondering if it's hormonal too. Again, anxiety probably wreaks havoc on delicate hormone balances and adrenaline.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Re: Multiple Low Blood Sugar Feelings Per Day (Blood Sugar Levels Normal)

    That's a fantastic article written by a pharmacist on adrenal fatigue. I advise you to read it. And anyone else who worries about this 'disease'

    Definitely (stating the obvious here) there's something going on with your blood sugars. This can be caused by not eating the right foods and other causes (non diabetic hypoglycaemia)

    When I was drinking alcohol heavily every night I experienced this on a daily basis. Are you drinking too much?

    I'd follow this up with your doctor. In the meantime go and buy some glucose tablets and take them when you feel this coming on... You might find that easier than having to eat everytimr you feel like this. Good luck
    Healthcare Professional with Health Anxiety

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Multiple Low Blood Sugar Feelings Per Day (Blood Sugar Levels Normal)

    Quote Originally Posted by RadioGaGa View Post

    That's a fantastic article written by a pharmacist on adrenal fatigue. I advise you to read it. And anyone else who worries about this 'disease'

    Definitely (stating the obvious here) there's something going on with your blood sugars. This can be caused by not eating the right foods and other causes (non diabetic hypoglycaemia)

    When I was drinking alcohol heavily every night I experienced this on a daily basis. Are you drinking too much?

    I'd follow this up with your doctor. In the meantime go and buy some glucose tablets and take them when you feel this coming on... You might find that easier than having to eat everytimr you feel like this. Good luck
    Interesting article. I never knew it was considered a fake disease. I thought it was a legitimate thing!

    While it sounds like blood sugar issues Trbfan is describing, theyve also mentioned their blood sugars being in the perfect range while experiencing these symtpoms, so it seems unlikely to be low blood sugar. Maybe a hypersensitivity. I get it too and have perfect blood sugar.
    Last edited by WorryRaptor; 11-12-18 at 21:01.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2012

    Re: Multiple Low Blood Sugar Feelings Per Day (Blood Sugar Levels Normal)


    I'm delighted you read it! Honestly, if it stops just ONE person being scammed (e.g. being told to buy expensive remedies/herbal/homeopathy cr*p) I feel like I've done a good job!!!

    If you are ever told by a healthcare professional - whether it be Nurse, Pharmacist or Doctor that you have "adrenal fatigue" - RUN. And do it fast.

    It amazes me how many people think adrenal fatigue is a real thing. A LOT of people know about it and its "symptoms".

    But yeah...Adrenal Fatigue = "fake news"
    Healthcare Professional with Health Anxiety

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2015

    Re: Multiple Low Blood Sugar Feelings Per Day (Blood Sugar Levels Normal)

    Quote Originally Posted by Trbfan View Post
    So about 18 months ago I started noticing myself having feelings of low blood sugar, these would come on when I'd be hungry, I eat normally, I dont skip meals, but if I delayed a meal slightly for any reason, or got up late and couldt eat too early I'd have these major low blood sugar like feelings. Its just a very strange sensation that comes over your body, comes very quickly too. I'll feel a little colder than normal, I get this queasy feeling my stomach, my brain will feel foggy, I'll feel shaky all over, my extremities will feel a little weird, and then I'll start worrying I might pass out. I had one huge attack of feeling like I was gonna pass out at a barbers in May of last year, I hadnt eaten lunch before hand.

    Usually though, it was did effect me, but as long as I kept up with my meals and small snacks between I was ok. I did go to the doctor and got no answers.

    Then this week happened, my schedule has been a bit weird with family doctors appointments, struggling to sleep with some other worries (though no worse stress or anxiety than I've dealt with before). Tuesday I had an early appointment with my grandma ,I ate a little breakfast, which was leftover food from last night, easily should have been enough I think to me, about 2 hours after eating I went into a Subway to get us lunch, in the subway I suddenly got lightheaded, and then the feeling like I was going to pass out hit badly. I honestly have no idea how I got through the order I was totally spaced out, my heart started racing as I Felt like I was about to hit the floor from passing out, somehow I didnt and got through but it felt horrible all day. Since then I've noticed this low blood sugar like feeling but its far more prevalent than ever before. I virtually cant go more than 3 hours without eating something now, and it hits very very suddenly. Meals will tide me over longer, eating something small wont. And eating candy or sugar has never fixed this issue..only eating food or a certain amount of food (many times not a very small amount) to fix it.

    This is seriously effecting me though as I am now having to overeat just to keep this feeling at bay, and it only started last week. If im going somewhere and I dont know if I can get a meal quickly im eating something at home beforehand that ordinarilly wouldnt, Even before we go out to eat so I dont have worry about passing out there. Even laying in bed almost every night now I get this sensation and while a few crackers used to tide me over before bed, im now doing milk, crackers, and sometimes a couple other items to just keep me from having this severe feeling.

    Im lost as to what it could be. My blood sugar has probably been taken over 60 times in this time period. Its always almost bang on perfect to what you want. Never too high, never too low. Thursday I was experiencing this and my blood sugar was 95

    Others have mentioned to me adrenal fatigue or HPA Axis Dysfunction as a potential cause of this, Im just out of ideas, but its a very severe thing, I know its not anxiety connected, im tired of it effecting me and im tired of feeling like I have to eat so much this week.

    I go back to my cardiologist on the 19th for a followup and to check up on the 30 day monitor Im wearing for a seperate thing...that we also think could be a hormonal or even adrenal thing and not heart related. I've also had many other signs of some weird stuff going on with adrenaline.
    Have you had your liver function checked? Its something they tested me for when I complained of these symptoms. Theres also an idea bouncing around about acid reflux causing weak shaky feelings. With a full stomach, it wont be as prevalent, but on an empty one or during digestion, it might be causing irritation to your vagus nerve which is really close to the stomach. When that gets irritated it can make you feel faint and weak. Thats a wild theory that a lot of doctors have brushed off when I asked so its probably too far of a stretch and just me searching for some kind of reason. A few cardiologists Ive met on my various anxiety riddled appointments have spoken about the connection though. I have no answers for my symptoms either, so I tend to go looking for something that fits.

    ---------- Post added at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was at 21:13 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by RadioGaGa View Post

    I'm delighted you read it! Honestly, if it stops just ONE person being scammed (e.g. being told to buy expensive remedies/herbal/homeopathy cr*p) I feel like I've done a good job!!!

    If you are ever told by a healthcare professional - whether it be Nurse, Pharmacist or Doctor that you have "adrenal fatigue" - RUN. And do it fast.

    It amazes me how many people think adrenal fatigue is a real thing. A LOT of people know about it and its "symptoms".

    But yeah...Adrenal Fatigue = "fake news"
    I was raised by a mother who loved alternative medicine so I steer very clear of any herbal remedies! Ive no doubt my furious googling has probably unearthed quite a lot of erroneous info, but the adrenal thing surprised me as Ive heard it bounced around so much as something acceptable. Thanks for sharing!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Multiple Low Blood Sugar Feelings Per Day (Blood Sugar Levels Normal)

    I've had this for years, in fits and starts, not all the time. It's not anxiety based at all. But it can trigger anxiety because it's mimics the start of panic.
    I have to eat very often, meals, snacks between meals, every couple of hours. Sometimes no food will satisfy me and I'm starving all day. Even after a big roast dinner, I'm starving after an hour. It's a damn nuisance.
    I bought myself a blood sugar monitor, where you take your own blood and test it. Even in the midst of these feeling it was bang on.
    I wonder if our blood sugar triggers these symptoms at a higher level than other people?
    I have no answers but you are no alone with this at all.

  8. #8
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    Apr 2012

    Re: Multiple Low Blood Sugar Feelings Per Day (Blood Sugar Levels Normal)

    Quote Originally Posted by WorryRaptor View Post
    Have you had your liver function checked? Its something they tested me for when I complained of these symptoms. Theres also an idea bouncing around about acid reflux causing weak shaky feelings. With a full stomach, it wont be as prevalent, but on an empty one or during digestion, it might be causing irritation to your vagus nerve which is really close to the stomach. When that gets irritated it can make you feel faint and weak. Thats a wild theory that a lot of doctors have brushed off when I asked so its probably too far of a stretch and just me searching for some kind of reason. A few cardiologists Ive met on my various anxiety riddled appointments have spoken about the connection though. I have no answers for my symptoms either, so I tend to go looking for something that fits.

    ---------- Post added at 21:18 ---------- Previous post was at 21:13 ----------

    I was raised by a mother who loved alternative medicine so I steer very clear of any herbal remedies! Ive no doubt my furious googling has probably unearthed quite a lot of erroneous info, but the adrenal thing surprised me as Ive heard it bounced around so much as something acceptable. Thanks for sharing!
    I have had my liver fucntions tested. AST and ALT both normal on two blood panels I've had this year.

    Some other points:
    -I dont drink alcohol at all so thats not a factor

    -I truly dont see how this could be blood sugar related. My doctor has failed to give me an A1C test, but she did do other blood work that included blood sugar. All normal, they say that you if you're blood sugar runs higher than normal, then you may start experiencing symptoms at higher than normal level, but I've never had my blood sugar be too high. Like darksky my blood sugar is always perfect. Never too high, never too low for the time before/after meals.

    -I knew there is a debate over adrenal fatigue, I know some legitimate doctors that believe there are issues with the adrenal system (that arent exactly Addison's) that cause issues for people, but I know my primary doctors do not believe in it.

    -My feeling that there is some type of adrenal or hormonal imbalance isnt new. I've had many signs and symptoms of it, especially in the last 9 months that I've felt very badly, but even a little before.

    As DarkSky and WorryRaptor, this as rationally as I can possibly think does not feel connected to anxiety..the anxiety comes after, experiencing all of these weird feelings and wanting to know what is wrong. I wish there was some way we could get some real actors. My doctors are totally mystified as well and dont seem to be really wanting to try to help. All my primary docs did for me so far really was two basic CBC blood tests, and sent me out the door. I know all of this stuff isnt normal for a supposedly healthy 27 year old guy. Its borderline dehabilitating. I can get out and do basic stuff like grocery shopping though that even takes a lot of willpower sometimes, but anything physical or excersizing is extremely difficult.

    Diabetes does run in my family which is why I was concerned about it at first but my GP has told me its not diabetes. My dad is heavily into all of these alternative medicines, so I know all about how they can be. My dad tends to feel bad all the time too, though not to this level. The only thing thats really helped him with is fixing his diabetes which he used alternative stuff to get it under control.

  9. #9
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    Re: Multiple Low Blood Sugar Feelings Per Day (Blood Sugar Levels Normal)

    When I said this is an issue with your blood sugars - what I meant was they are going too low. That is hypoglycaemia. This would not be detected by a blood test UNLESS you had a finger prick test during your symptoms. The only thing I can suggest is you buy an Accu-Chek monitor and prick your finger when you experience these hypos.

    The symptoms you describe, which are relieved by eating IS hypoglycaemia. Diabetes does not cause this, it causes the opposite which is hyperglycaemia. The symptoms of hyperglycaemia are completely different.

    The only way diabetes could ever cause your symptoms is if you were injecting insulin.

    If your Hba1c is normal, you can rule out diabetes. But certainly multiple hypoglycemic episodes each day in a non diabetic deserves follow up with your doctor
    Healthcare Professional with Health Anxiety

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle

  10. #10
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    May 2017

    Re: Multiple Low Blood Sugar Feelings Per Day (Blood Sugar Levels Normal)

    It's all very odd though, I have one of these monitors and have taken blood and tested it during these moments and they have always come up normal.

    Is it possible that some people trigger hypo symptoms at a higher level of blood sugar than what is considered normal.

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