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Thread: Period discussion thread.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Period discussion thread.

    Hey Ladies.

    I have observed lots a period relate threads, some of them is specifik questions or problems, but loads ( including my own ) is manly worries and anxiety driven. I through I would start this thread so people can share their storys, worries, questions regarded their period, not only health anxiety wise but also just normal sharing.

    Ill start with sharing something :

    im 27 next week and had my period since 11-12 ish. My PMS always brings along cravings, insomnia and a higher level of anxiety I've been tracking my period since November 2013, in retrospective it been really bad for me tracking it, My period anxiety has only gone worse and worse, manly because of the lack of control I have. I have been considering buying a Period Cup because I think they are brilliant, but I'm afraid I will end up measure the amount of blood I shed.

    Today I am on day 19 of my cycle and my period should come in 6 days time, my average cycle os 23 days, so I have a very short average.

    My main problem has been too short periods, when I get stressed instead of longer periods lidt most people mine seem to get shorter, two periods ago i had a 18 day cycle that ended up freaking me out. It usual happens a couple times a year.
    Around this time of my cycle I also get anxious about it coming to early and I noticed every little thing my body does, today i had some discomfort in my stomach and got afraid is was my period beginning, on the other hand when my period is near the average im beginning to worry if its not gonna show up so there is no pleasing me ! I also tent to worry if I don't bleed what I consider enough, but have never been worried about bleeding to much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    Im so sick of this, just been to the toilet and noticed some blood on the paper, today is day 20 of my cycle. So if Its my period the last four months looks like this.


    I can't figure out if I should call my Dr for this, had a smear test 1 year ago and was at a gyro getting a vaginal scan two years ago, all clear.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    I also get shorter cycles when I'm stressed out, as opposed to longer ones like a lot of other people. I think that's quite normal and have never worried about it. It's just annoying, because you get less of a break

    Your cycles look a little short on occasion, but I don't think they're short enough to suggest anything bad. I sometimes get 21-22 day cycles (most are 25-27 days) for what seems like no reason at all. I think we are just unlucky...

    It's also worth remembering that you get changes just through getting older (not that you are old!). Over the years things get longer or shorter, heavier or lighter, different symptoms come and go etc.

    And sometimes I find that a short one comes after a longer one. I notice that your 18 day cycle came after a 25 day one which is long for you. It could just be that?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    I am quite stressed out at the minute because im writing my exam, so that can explain it, Im still just worried and can't figure out if I should give a call, but I guess they well say Im just stressed and should give it some months. Im also just not sure it It is my period, I only have a little discomfort right now and the blood is pink/ brownish.

    Most of my cycles are around 23-24 days, so im always a bit on the short side anyways.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    If you are really worried and don't think you will be able to move past it until you get a medical opinion, then it might help you to call. But do try and take what they say as the reassurance you need. It's likely that they will say it's nothing to worry about.

    It sounds like your period is about to start, but hasn't quite got there yet. It's very common to start that way, with just a bit of pink or brown. It might take a day or two, or even three to actually get going. Speaking from experience

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    Yes, Its very normal for me to only spot the first day and then bleed properly on the second. so I'll wait until tomorrow until I do or call somebody.

    I did went to the docktors three years ago with a similar problem, I remember she said to give it a least three months to see if it would regular itself and if it didn't she would tage some hormonal tests.

    So I try to remember that advice still, She was not worried because I had no bleeding between periods and the blood was normal looking with normal odor.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    Ahh I just had a major meltdown, being sure there was something horrible wrong with me. I have some mild cramping when I walk around, but it stops when I sit down, and the blood is very thick, sticky and very dark brown. I don't know what's going on, it's almost been a day and my period has not startet properly. I have a spinkel hope It will come when I sleep or something.

    this period anxiety is driving me crazy.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    It's probably about to start. Brown blood is old blood - your body is ridding of the stuff from last time, the new period will probably start soon (hence the cramping).

    I am admittedly terrible at tracking my period, I have no idea how long my cycle usually is.
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  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    I think the problem is that once you become anxious about your periods, you become so hyperattentive that everything seems scary.

    Years ago, if I had a bit of ovulation spotting or my period hit day 7, I wouldn't have been even vaguely bothered. These days, anything other than 30-day cycles with 5 days of bleeding leaves me convinced I have cancer.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    Thanks guys I really appreciate It.

    A little update - surprise, surprise my period begun and its properly not cancer

    Very late last night around two a clock I went to the toilet and had a big brown cloth something on the paper, and after that the fresh blood began running normally, I was a bit freaked out but about the cloth, convinced myself it was proppery just what normally ended up in the toilet in the morning instead of the paper.

    I am so hyper attentive and it drives my crazy, I hope that I will somehow manage to let go of this fake feeling of control over something I have absolutely no control over.

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