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Thread: Period discussion thread.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    See, my 1-3 days wasn't wrong!

    Now that this has happened a couple of times and your period has then started each time, perhaps next month you could set yourself a challenge to try and not panic about it until x amount of time has passed. For example, 3 days. It's hard to not stay fixated on it once you've already started panicking, so maybe the key is to prepare yourself beforehand and say "hey, I'm going to get some pink/brown for 1-2 days before it properly starts. This has happened already more than once, it's normal for me".

    You can't control your period but you can control how you feel about it.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    You are completely right, I'll have to try to think differently.

    Im actually still pretty freaked out, I keep imagine how this is not my period but something els and my real period will begin soon.

    I do sit down a lot and don't move around much these days, because im in the middel of an exam, but i hardly get any blood in my pad, only in the toilet, and its more sticky and dark than normal...

    last month I a bit bleed more than usual, and this one less, but still enough not to be spotting, I also hardly had any cramps this month..

    Its all very stressfull for me, I hope once my exam is done, everything is back to normal.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    So, I just got my period, 10 days after the last one stoped, on my cycle day 15. I called my doctor got an appointment tomorrow at 10:00, I haven't been to the doctors in a long time, so im really scared. Im so scared it something sinister.
    The funny thing is, Im not surprised at all, two days before my last period I got some ovulation discharged and when I counted when I should get my period if this was true, it said today. So it seems like im actually ovulating.

    1,5 years ago I had my smear test, all normal.
    2 years ago I had a internal scan and countless examinations, all normal.
    I don't bleed in-between periods either.

    So I hope this is just stress, but im so scared its something dangerous hormonal or truly sinister.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    Again it’s really light now on the first day, just spotting really, and even though I know It’s normal I’m freaking out, also wondering how much blood there can be with such a short cycle

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    So, I just got my period, 10 days after the last one stoped,
    I had the same three months ago at exactly 10 days gap, its a right nuisance isn't it, and very unsettling.

    I can't recall your age, but its probably worth discussing something, like the mini pill, to regulate your cycle.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by Carys View Post
    I had the same three months ago at exactly 10 days gap, its a right nuisance isn't it, and very unsettling.
    I can't recall your age, but its probably worth discussing something, like the mini pill, to regulate your cycle.
    More than anything else it’s super annoying yes, and it cause me much anxiety also very annoying really.

    I’m 27, I don’t know much about mini pills or any hormonal contraceptives because I’ve been avoiding them, can they’re regulate the period? I know you always have a regular cycle but it’s not really a real period.

    Some months ago I had a hole year with a pretty regular period within the 21 days radius, hoping to get back there again.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    Sorry to see that you're still having irregularities, and it's causing you anxiety. Periods are annoying at the best of times, let alone when they don't play ball! Which is very common. I've had a bit of a stressful month so far and mine isn't acting like it normally does, either.

    I still think you will be fine, but do let us know what the doctor says tomorrow. I'm not saying that I'm glad you're going because I think you have something serious, but rather because I can tell you're really worrying. Hopefully you can move forward, either from the anxiety, or with some investigations and/or treatment to help regulate things.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    Quote Originally Posted by WhereIsMyMind View Post
    Sorry to see that you're still having irregularities, and it's causing you anxiety. Periods are annoying at the best of times, let alone when they don't play ball! Which is very common. I've had a bit of a stressful month so far and mine isn't acting like it normally does, either
    Thanks for understanding WhereIsMyMind

    I feel like a did so well all day, I went to school, made dinner and had an all right evening. Then anxiety suddenly hit me when i when to the bathroom, there is some fresh some brown but I think there is a lot of clear slippery mucus also, I don't really bleed much its still some spotting (like many times before).....

    The only reassuring thing is the pain feel like a my period pain normally feels like.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    Anxiety hits me unexpectedly as well :( It's hard because you can't really stop that anxiety thought from happening...I think the only way to deal with it is to practice how to process the thought when it does happen. I'm trying to work on that this year, hoping that by the end of it I will not be thinking this way.

    How did it go with the doctor?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2018

    Re: Period discussion thread.

    It went fine at the doctors today, we talked for a bit and then she gave me a gynecological examination where she looked at my cervix and pushed up on my uterus and ovaries so she could feel them. She said everything looked and felt just normal.

    She pointet out that I didn't bleed between periods and after sex and my last smear was fine, she didn't talk about checking for hormones, but I felt like she wanted to rule out the real baddies and then give it some time, she said if it was to annoying I could consider the pill. I know my thyroid was checked out in an all around blood test I had two years ago, and it was normal.

    Im still not happy about the situration, but I guess i should give it some time and see if it correct itself again.

    I hate going to the Dr, not only because I get super nervous and expect a horrible diagnoses. But also because when I leave hearing that all is great, I feel amazing, Then it crashes and I feel full of doubt and worry again. The same pattern always. This was the first time in 6 months going, I think it's a personal record.

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