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Thread: Major Health anxiety and have developed Afterimages, slight trails

  1. #1

    Exclamation Major Health anxiety and have developed Afterimages, slight trails

    Hello everyone,

    I have been struggling from severe health anxiety which has caused me to see:

    - afterimages a lot
    - slight visual trails for example if I wave my phone against a dark background it has trails.
    - Entoptic phenomenon (floaters, silvery sparks)

    This all started 5 months ago where I originally had noticed my own Entoptic phenomenon which at the time I noticed floaters and black pin prick flashes. From reassurance From doctors I now do not notice the black flashes anymore and just the white blood cells and floaters. The afterimages are all negative and I notice the outline of the object. This is most noticeable when there is a white background or a clear sky. I have definitely a high health anxiety with my vision. In which I find myself testing myself a lot.

    I was wondering whether these are a normal phenomenon and my anxiety has just made me become hypervigilant towards these? I came across a term called Palinopsia which I am slightly concerned about however the afterimages with this seem to be positive?

    I would be very grateful to have your opinion on these disturbances as they are really heightening my health anxiety.

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Major Health anxiety and have developed Afterimages, slight trails

    Sounds like hypervigilance to me. I have a lot of issues with floaters and afterimages and they tend to be worse when I'm anxious and/or tired.

  3. #3

    Re: Major Health anxiety and have developed Afterimages, slight trails

    Thanks for the reply! Meant to also add I have had an mri and numerous eye examinations which all came clear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Major Health anxiety and have developed Afterimages, slight trails

    In that case, yep, you're definitely safe

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Major Health anxiety and have developed Afterimages, slight trails

    Quote Originally Posted by Visionanxiety View Post
    Meant to also add I have had an mri and numerous eye examinations which all came clear.
    Then why are you not putting this fear to rest?

    Looks to me like you have 2 choices.

    1. Believe the tests and drs
    2. Continue obsessing.

    Only you can choose. No amount of reassurance is going to make this decision for you.

  6. #6

    Re: Major Health anxiety and have developed Afterimages, slight trails

    Thank you for the reply, I agree I do need to believe the drs and tests. I just find it so hard when the afterimages are so strong! However stress definitely makes them worse!

  7. #7

    Re: Major Health anxiety and have developed Afterimages, slight trails

    I get this daily if I am anxious, if you look for anything you will find it, I tend to not focus on it and it goes

  8. #8

    Re: Major Health anxiety and have developed Afterimages, slight trails

    Hi Boxfridge, thanks for your reply it’s giving me a lot of reassurance! I just find it crazy how all of these horrible symptoms are anxiety based!!

  9. #9

    Re: Major Health anxiety and have developed Afterimages, slight trails

    If there is any more responses I would be so grateful!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2017

    Re: Major Health anxiety and have developed Afterimages, slight trails

    The only type of palinopsia that is worrisome is hallucinatory...which essentially is the persistence of an afterimage hours after the initial stimulus has been removed..and is of full resolution and full color and often superimposed on things it correlates (aka, seeing a bowtie on everyone's neck). Both illusionary and Hallucinatory palinopsia display positive afterimages. If you are having negative afterimages, then it is physiological (normal) and exacerbated by hypervigilence and anxiety. Visual floaters are insanely common. I have had them for decades and it literally looks like its snowing when I look up to re sky or at anything bright. I also often see tendrils as well. All normal.

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