i will start by saying, I have never been someone who has regular bowel movements, for e.g everyday. I wish I could, it would be amazing. in the past I have gone some weeks where I've been regular, but generally I've never been like that.

One thing I will say is that I practice intermittent fasting. I will generally go sometimes 20 hours without food, then have a meal and that's it. I don't eat breakfast as it makes me feel sluggish. I have practiced fasting for the past maybe 4/5 years.

I remember years ago the doctor told me I likely have IBS. My dad suffered IBS which then evolved into ulcerated collitis, which then got worse and he now has a colostomy bag. I worry about that, so that is a concern. My dad had opposite to me though, he was going too much which got worse.

People have said stress/anxiety can negatively affect bowel movements/digestive system. My friends mother also told me she suffers from lack of bowell movements too when she is stressed.

My friend's mum gave me some stuff she got called Lactulose which is for constipation. I haven't used it yet. I usually use dulcolax which helps, but don't want to have to rely on medication to help me go.

My digestive system is weird. Does anybody else have similar issues?

Thanks guys in advance. Appreciate any advice.