I have been dealing with brain zaps for 2 years strait now have never been on any meds except adderal when I was in middle school but now I'm 24 and the brain zaps have gotten soo bad i can't function but I think I found a cure or a way to suppress them , I was getting 20-40 zaps a day and now for the past 5 days I've only been getting 5-6 small ones! My memory is still messed up and my balence but maybe they will suppress too! But anyway I started taking 1500mg of omega 3 fish oil a day with a quarter of a lemon and I started taking ashwagana I think these 2 together are helping and I hope I can help somone else going through this cause I know how much these zaps make you wanna throw the towel
P.s. sardines are a excellent way to take in omega 3.