last night I was drilling a piece of wood and out of nowhere I felt dul arm pain and when I breathed in I felt it on left side of chest it subsided and is intermittent I feel it from time to time but main thing is I'm worried of possible heart related problem! Should I be worried? I had ECG done and bloodwork last year on may, came back healthy when I had a palpitation and the anxiety spiraled out of controle would it be at all possible that something could develop between then and now that wasn't picked up?
Like now I feel fine but if I breathe sometimes it hurts or if I hold my arm a sertin way, this realy made my anxiety blow up however I was able to manage it and get a goodnight's sleep. I even did some elypical exercise to test if I can exercise and I felt the pains from time to time but it was still intermittent! This is really frustrating as I was doing so good with the anxiety