
Just a quick question. Does anyone suffer from depersonalization? Or like feeling detached? I started Zyprexa and Lexapro four days ago and I have been having weird bouts of feeling like my thoughts aren't my own and detached from every situation I am in. It's like terrifying. I consider myself to be a gay man, who is really progressive. But I have like no sexual desire and I have been having these thoughts that I am straight? Which is confusing as hell. On top of that, I have been having really racist intrusive thoughts. Now this isn't something I would normally think of, but my mind keeps going there. Also I feel like my past is distorted. Like I remember things that I have done, but don't remember like being in those situations?? I just feel really detached. Has anyone else had this feeling before. I just feel completely crazy and it's freaking me out like forreal.

Hope to hear from one of you soon,
