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Thread: Asbestos

  1. #1


    I was disposing of some rubble at the tip and another person disposed of something which caused alot of dust. It looked like either plasterboard but I'm worried incase they didn't realise and it may have been aib as they look very similar?

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Asbestos

    What is aib?

    It would be highly unlikely to be asbestos to be fair - that is very carefully disposed of nowadays.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3

    Re: Asbestos

    Thank you for the reply.
    Aib is asbestos insulation boards, Contains brown type of asbestos.
    Much appreciated

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Asbestos

    Ahhh ok thanks - never heard of it.

    I really don't think you have anything to worry about though.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  5. #5

    Re: Asbestos

    The people who work at the dump have to be very vigilant about what Is dumped there they watch every last thing that gets taken out of the cars. They would know if it was asbestos or not and wouldn’t allow for it to be disposed of there. Unless they have a specific disposal truck for it and even then it wouldn’t be smashed up you need to make appointments to take it to the dump

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Asbestos

    Asbestos exposure on the short term isn't likely to be harmful at any rate. Out of all the thousands upon thousands of people who worked with it in a daily basis ages ago, while some got sick, many didn't. And they worked with it every day all day, often without any protection at all.

    And finally, from a pragmatic view, even if it were asbestos (which is very unlikely at any rate) there is precisely nothing you could do about it anyway. Just move on, and accept that a very limited exposure is not going to do much anyway.

  7. #7

    Asbestos phobia

    I'm only 20 and this started when I joined the fire service. I worked so hatd to get in however I had been in for a year and we had a factory fire involving asbestos. I came home and researched dangers and after learning about where it could be in my own home ( built in 60s) I'm terrified of everything in the house and it's horrible.
    I had to leave the fire service due to depression after suffering from this anxiety for a year. I still work 2 jobs currently to try keep busy but this asbestos fear is like a chain around my neck everywhere I go.
    My current fear is walking over ceramic tiles in kitchen where there is a gap in floor and I can see some black material under the tiles and I put my bate foot on it by accident walking. I'm worried il contaminate my house. Can anyone put my mind at rest. Any advice on how to overcome this.
    Maybe others could share some stories.
    Thank you so much for reading
    Much love x

    Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Asbestos


    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

    Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

    It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  9. #9

    Re: Asbestos phobia

    Hi, I have experienced anxiety relating to Asbestos exposure many times on and off over the years (as well as other health related worries!!) I have recently had another bout of worry over potential asbestos exposure in my house, I caved in and got a sample tested and turns out it didn't contain asbestos, the usual pattern followed...relief the test was negative then my mind starts searching for other asbestos related things to worry about...the truth is you can search the internet and pretty much find a case for everything around you potentially containing asbestos. Logically thinking and 3 months ago when my mental health was in a better place I wouldn't have given this a second thought and carried on with my day to day life...I let myself get sucked into the cycle and craved the reassurance I deep down know still wouldn't satisfy my anxieties, it's a vicious circle, I remember visiting the doctor with my mum when I was only 10-11, I was convinced I had contracted HIV and the previous 6 months had been hell for me, me and my mum were in floods of tears with her begging the doctor to get me tested for reassurance, the doctor refused to test me because he knew it was the anxiety and knew the reassurance wouldn't be enough and I would move onto the next worry, this was the first point at which I started to understand what anxiety was and the OCD link. The doctor referred me to a professional to help me further understand my worries and help manage them with CBT, I've always had bouts of being anxious and only 12month ago visited a councillor again. I really would recommend this (if you havent already) talking to someone along with learning the CBT approach really does help you understand the mechanics behind your worrys which in turn helps you rationalise your thinking, all the things we chronically worry about rarely happen yet the worrying itself is stopping us living, you will pull through from this and come out the other side keep fighting!!! SC x

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Asbestos phobia

    Quote Originally Posted by jks030899 View Post
    I'm only 20 and this started when I joined the fire service. I worked so hatd to get in however I had been in for a year and we had a factory fire involving asbestos. I came home and researched dangers and after learning about where it could be in my own home ( built in 60s) I'm terrified of everything in the house and it's horrible.
    I had to leave the fire service due to depression after suffering from this anxiety for a year. I still work 2 jobs currently to try keep busy but this asbestos fear is like a chain around my neck everywhere I go.
    My current fear is walking over ceramic tiles in kitchen where there is a gap in floor and I can see some black material under the tiles and I put my bate foot on it by accident walking. I'm worried il contaminate my house. Can anyone put my mind at rest. Any advice on how to overcome this.
    Maybe others could share some stories.
    Thank you so much for reading
    Much love x
    I spent years working in a building that was known to be full of asbestos but so far, I know of no-one who has contracted any form of illness from it.

    Regarding your floor tiles; the only material used for flooring that I recall having asbestos in it were old "Marley" tiles - a sort of rubbery, lino-like material. The fibres were included to strengthen it. But I understand it's chrysotile in them, and it is well bound into the mix so very unlikely to present a major hazard.

    If it's any consolation, in my front room I have a vintage radio where part of the power supply is protected by a 'chimney' clad with white asbestos and I'm relaxed about it. I'm much more wary of heavy metals (esp. cadmium) and MDF fibres.

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