Quote Originally Posted by phil06 View Post
Yes I sometimes manage sleep ok and other times it’s a struggle. I often drift off about 3am anyway but I get worked up when it gets late and have to sleep. I know lack of sleep could make my anxiety worse
Maybe you need to take a really good look at your 'sleep hygiene', Phil?

I've noticed that I struggle more when I've been using electronics after 6pm. Scrolling on my phone definitely agitates my brain, and that applies in the daytime.

Eating heavy meals late at night will also cock things up because our bodies will be trying to digest food when we're trying to sleep.

After lots of trial and error, I've found that things certain things improve my quality of sleep, like when I listen to sleep stories on Calm or watch some ASMR videos on Youtube (TV, not mobile or tablet)

Go through everything with a fine toothcomb as it were, and I'm sure you'll be able to make some improvements with a bit of tweaking.

The main thing that got me out of severe insomnia was to just accept things and not worry about only having a few hours sleep. As we get older, we don't actually need as much sleep as we did anyway.

Broken sleep does make anxiety worse, that's true, but the best thing to do is not to add fear to the mix.

Remember, Thatcher ran the country (albeit badly) on a few hours kip every night.

I do miss my sleep though. I actually like going under GA because I get that lovely descent into oblivion that I used to experience all the time.