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Thread: How does an agraophobic get to therapy?

  1. #1

    How does an agraophobic get to therapy?

    Hi all, so basically after 7 months of being unable to leave the house on my own I've finally been given the go ahead for CBT therapy. I did previously try online CBT but had issues with the therapist not turning up for appointments so I wanted to do it face to face this time. I've waited over a month to be assessed for therapy and really want to get started but the only way I can get there is if my mum takes me. My mum works at a school and doesn't finish until half 5 most days which is pretty much working hours for everyone. The other day I got a call from a therapist saying she had an appointment for 11am and I explained I couldn't make it as I had no way of getting there (the place is pretty far away from where I live) she was kind of pushy in asking if there was any other way i could get there but obviously being an agoraphobic public transport and such is a huge no. Anyway she said she would call me back if any late appointments came up.

    She rang me back a couple of days later and asked if I would do a phone appointment, I'm not so keen as the whole point of this is to get me to leave the house however it's the best I could get. When I accepted she said she'll explain on the phone what CBT is and then said once I understand it I may be able to come in and speak to her properly.

    The thing is I'm just not sure they understand that I can't physically leave the house on my own, a phone call isn't going to make me get in a taxi or on the bus for the first time in over half a year.

    I'm just wondering how others dealt with this. I'm starting to wonder if I should maybe go private and look for a late night therapist so that my mum could drive me there. I don't have anyone else and I can't really afford it but I'm just not able to see anyone during working hours and by the sounds of it that's all they can offer me.

    Thanks for listening to my issues haha, any advice would be really helpful

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: How does an agraophobic get to therapy?

    Unfortunately as hard as it is, the "getting out of the house" part of CBT is the most effective at totally curing anxiety permanently, you heard me right yep cured.

    Anxiety neurosis is a learned process of stress, and when the habit is broken recovery begins instantly, this can vary from a week to 6 months but it does happen.

    The body needs to be re-adjusted into a non anxious state, that's the key here, cbt itself is all about this.

    Once this starts to happen anxiety no longer has a grip of you, and the nervous system calms down totally on its own, once the brain is reprogrammed without all this debilitating anxiety it will be a thing of the past, because the body is constantly stressed it has no chance of recovering, so my advice is get out as much as possible, even if its only a walk around the block, it makes a massive difference it really does!

    its taken me 10 years to realize this.
    if you're suffering with anxiety google is not your friend!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: How does an agraophobic get to therapy?

    Lavender is 100% spot on.

    In some respects, you just have to suck it up and go. There's no harm in trying to get an appointment that allows you an easier journey there though.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: How does an agraophobic get to therapy?

    While waiting for an appointment try and do stuff for yourself. At first, go to the end of your garden path. Go in darkness if it helps at the beginning. Stand there a while, resist the urge to run back in. Next time, close the the
    front door, taking the key in your hand and walk through the gate, go a few yards. You get the picture, go further and further, then go in daylight. Go to the local shop, buy something nice for you...chocolate, as a reward. Then you will progress to bigger shops, treat yourself again..lipstick or similar.
    Little steps lead to big strides and your confidence will grow and grow.
    Do,you have a dog that needs walking...that helps too.
    It’s a cruel beast that you feed…..


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: How does an agraophobic get to therapy?

    I cured my agoraphobia by jumping out if the car and running across a beach to the sea . Probably a bit drastic but it worked

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Re: How does an agraophobic get to therapy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Phuzella View Post
    I cured my agoraphobia by jumping out if the car and running across a beach to the sea . Probably a bit drastic but it worked
    I love this post! There is a lot to be said for just saying "enough!" and doing something a bit wild!

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