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Thread: Red bits on toilet paper after wiping.

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Re: Would a calprotectin test detect BC?

    Thanks BlueIris. I do try to believe them but my own studies under the tutelage of Dr Google tell me they're wrong. Sad, I know.

    What's the science behind the migratory pain? Why is that a good sign, and why is static pain not good?

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Would a calprotectin test detect BC?

    Broadly put, tumours don't wander around your bowel like little cancerous gophers.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2019

    Re: Would a calprotectin test detect BC?

    Quote Originally Posted by KrankerMann View Post
    Thanks Glittery. My blood test and calprotectin test came back all clear so there's no inflammation, though the doctor did say the test indicates I have IBS.
    I've been told by four medical professionals (two GPs, a nurse practitioner and an intensive care nurse) that there is nothing wrong with me. Of course I can't believe them.

    I've just read stories of BC being diagnosed after red blood being found. I wonder if this means dark red blood. All blood I see is pretty miniscule in amount and bright red. I'm 26 by the way with no family history of cancer of any kind. I know, "too young" to have it, but people have had it younger.

    It's the minute amounts of blood with the ache and pains around my abdomen that concern me. My right side aches quite a lot and can migrate around to my lower ajf mid back. My left side sometimes also, and I get slight sharp pain around my stomach, the belly button, the pit of my stomach etc.
    People have had it younger but I would like to believe those cares were very rare, and had worsening symptoms. Just those rare cases make it to the news. Most people won't tell you how nothing was wrong with them over the internet. I think we should tell ourselves that the chances of dying from a road accident is a lot higher for us considering our age tbh.

    And btw, I just read a research that says even the younger ones who get it "usually" have a family history of cancers.

  4. #34
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    Unhappy Bowel cancer worries are ruining my life and I don't know how to proceed

    I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to proceed as I do feel at the end of my tether and I can feel myself possibly slipping into depression over it. The dreaded bowel cancer has totally consumed my life. It started over 5 months ago with what I thought to be blood in/on a stool, but I'm not even sure if it was. If blood were in the stool, wouldn't it also discolour the water? This didn't. Though since then I have seen blood on the toilet paper two or three times, never much but enough to notice, and I have had a whole host of stomach/bowel related issues.

    For months I have varied between constipation, normal stools and loose, mushy stools. Honestly, I'm too frightened to even look at them now and just flush away, but on the few occassions I have looked, they seem to be of normal colour. My latest obsession though is checking the toilet paper, where sometimes I think I see small, darker, potentially black specks on the paper and I immediately think blood. I highly doubt blood would appear as a tiny, pinhead sized dot on toilet paper, right? I'm ashamed to admit I've shone lights over my stools to examine them and seen all sorts of weird and wonderful things: light bits, dark bits, black bits, white bits... some float, some sink, some are large, others small. I get gurgles, pops and whistles all over my back and abdomen. Some days are worse than others. My sides constantly ache or feel tense and I get small, nipping type sensations around my stomach, near the belly button and up near the ribs. I'm not sure if this is muscular or bowel, but my mind instantly screams 'tumour.'

    I've seen no less than 4 medical professionals and all have said "it's not cancer." I've had two finger-up-the-bum tests, two physical stomach examinations, a full blood test (all clear) and a faecal calprotectin test (also clear). Doctors have said a tiny amount of red blood they aren't concerned about. However, my concern is what if the blood is invisible? I haven't had a FOB test, which I understand is the main first step in ruling out cancers.

    Part of me is saying "get the FOB test, and when it comes back all clear there's no need to worry." It probably won't be as simple as that though, knowing the anxious mind. Lately I've been in a real rut, and I have honestly strongly considered a private colonoscopy just to end this nightmare one way or another. Am I justified in going back to the doctors yet again and requesting an FOB test? If it's clear, can I rest easy? I'm just honestly not sure how to proceed, and would greatly appreciate some input and guidance. Thanks for reading.

  5. #35
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    Re: Bowel cancer worries are ruining my life and I don't know how to proceed

    Quote Originally Posted by KrankerMann View Post
    If it's clear, can I rest easy? I'm just honestly not sure how to proceed, and would greatly appreciate some input and guidance. Thanks for reading.
    This is the central question. If you think you can move on after further invasive tests, then do so. However, my "gut" feeling is that you need to work and focus more on your HA.

    So my question would be: How many tests will it take to "reassure" you that there is nothing sinister going on?

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  6. #36
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    Re: Bowel cancer worries are ruining my life and I don't know how to proceed

    I had the whole black bits issue ... il be honest I had some grilled Lebanese’s food and with it was a grill onion next day on the tissue was a big black piece almost charred panicked put it in a tub (picked up with tweezers) had appointment that morning with doctors showed it her and she said it was undigested food having lots or herbs and spices does this. She said if it was blood it would be black and tarry and sticky, I hope this helps.
    My sides ribs and stomach also hurt but lanzaprzole did the trick I think I had acid reflux

  7. #37
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    Re: Bowel cancer worries are ruining my life and I don't know how to proceed

    Quote Originally Posted by KK77 View Post
    This is the central question. If you think you can move on after further invasive tests, then do so. However, my "gut" feeling is that you need to work and focus more on your HA.

    So my question would be: How many tests will it take to "reassure" you that there is nothing sinister going on?
    I feel I need to work on my HA too, but no doctor I have seen has taken it seriously so far. They say "you're just anxious, don't worry about it." Which is a pointless thing to say to an anxious person!

    I'd like to believe a clear FOB test would put my mind at rest, but then I know I'd jump to thinking "what if the tumour just stopped bleeding, I need a colonosocopy." The colonosocopy is the holy grail, the foolproof, irrefutable evidence. But no one else in the world except for me thinks I need one.

    I had the whole black bits issue ... il be honest I had some grilled Lebanese’s food and with it was a grill onion next day on the tissue was a big black piece almost charred panicked put it in a tub (picked up with tweezers) had appointment that morning with doctors showed it her and she said it was undigested food having lots or herbs and spices does this. She said if it was blood it would be black and tarry and sticky, I hope this helps.
    My sides ribs and stomach also hurt but lanzaprzole did the trick I think I had acid reflux
    I'm not even sure if it were a 'bit', or just a bit of stool. There's nothing to pick up with tweezers, just a tiny mark on the TP amidst the "wipings." Yes I've heard the black and tarry and sticky advice, at least I haven't experienced that! Grateful for your kind words.

  8. #38
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    Re: Bowel cancer worries are ruining my life and I don't know how to proceed

    I've seen no less than 4 medical professionals and all have said "it's not cancer."
    So you have your answer already. Instead of chasing a non-existent cancer diagnosis, perhaps you should instead chase why your mind is causing you to doubt the thorough examination of four medical professionals?

    Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

  9. #39
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    Re: Bowel cancer worries are ruining my life and I don't know how to proceed

    How old are you?

    I have had all the symptoms as you do for the last 2.5 months, and with time the symptoms have gone away or sometimes they do come back but then they go away again.

    I developed a yeast infection and anal fissure after my antibiotic course. This caused little blood here and there sometimes when I would wipe. The fissures haven't healed completely yet.

    If you are having ALL kinds of stools then trust me, you DO have IBS. One thing I have noticed about IBD or colon cancer is that they would persistently have loose stools for years, or would persistently have thin stools, or would persistently have constipation (and even then, they can be explained by IBS C or IBS D MOSTLY). My mum has IBS C for years.

    My stools have been thin, flat, thick, big, green, orange, light brown, dark brown. They always keep changing from one day to another.

    Please go through the link provided below to help yourself:

  10. #40
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    Re: Bowel cancer worries are ruining my life and I don't know how to proceed

    They have a complete workbook. I suggest you download it and print it.

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