I just messed up my entire antibiotic treatment due to my fear of it flaring up my iBS. In November 2017 I took trimethroprim for a UTI and december my stomach was in flames until May/june. Im scared the stuff I'm on now will do the same so stupidly havent been taking it. I had a very stupid incident on Tuesday (its sunday now) where I tried to pull my nail bed down to remove some pus from a fingernail infection..though it did release the infection a little, Ive damaged alot of skin and my nail bed. I did this so that I could see if it would heal the next day before I started the meds -it didnt. Im sat here almost one week with improvement but i still seemingly have a finger blister which is painful and I've taken ONE dose each day for 3 days and dont know if they'll start me again on new ones.

Has anyone had any iBS issues with flucloxacillin ?