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Thread: Heartburn / angina after exercise

  1. #131
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: Heartburn / angina after exercise

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
    How about you carry on with your life and wait for the symptoms to go away on their own?
    I really just can't unfortunately. I don't even like being around my children right now because it hurts me, and probably hurts them, knowing they don't have a proper father anymore.

  2. #132
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Heartburn / angina after exercise

    So, what are your plans for working on the anxiety?

    Believe me, I've been where you are, there's been times my husband has noticed me grieving about his death while he was there in the room.

  3. #133
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: Heartburn / angina after exercise

    Lying around in bed is also an avoidance behavior. The more you do it the worse you will feel later on. You must continue on with your life.

    Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

  4. #134
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: Heartburn / angina after exercise

    Touch wood, but I feel the symptoms are starting to 'quieten down' today - typically as I write this I'm getting another strange squeezing/cramping feeling in my head which is causing some lightheadness.

    I hope the doctor can help me get to the bottom of this. I'm not freaked out by this anymore, but I really do feel this could be MS. In 6 months I've had three 'attacks':

    December - burning right foot and weak right leg. Told was sciatica, but nothing was conclusive. Lasted around 2-3 weeks.

    December / January - bladder issues, felt like an overactive bladder, almost uncontrollable at times. Again lasted 2-3 weeks.

    March - Strange pelvic and rectal feelings, a bit like levator ani syndrome. Lasted 2-3 weeks.

    June - Head pressure, lightheadedness, headaches and extreme fatigue. Feel like my gait is awkward but that could be me over thinking. Currently been 1 week of it.

    There's a clear pattern there of 'attacks', which I'm sure a doctor would find hard to ignore. These could all be related to nerve damage.

    Other than that I'm worried this could be intercranial hypertension
    Last edited by MrLurcher; 20-06-19 at 15:22.

  5. #135
    Join Date
    Dec 2018

    Re: Heartburn / angina after exercise

    Oh man....

    Dude, take your meds. Throw away your computer. You have a family, and they are watching you act like an ******* because you are addicted to feeling this way. STOP. Go live your life! Even if it is 2 days more before you fall over dead, do you want your kids to remember the way you are now or that you were a dad who made them feel safe? Kids learn parent behavior. Do you want your kids to turn out as HA sufferers? Man up dude.

    Sorry to be harsh but you need a wake up call here man.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. #136
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: Heartburn / angina after exercise

    Quote Originally Posted by Josht View Post
    Oh man....

    Dude, take your meds. Throw away your computer. You have a family, and they are watching you act like an ******* because you are addicted to feeling this way. STOP. Go live your life! Even if it is 2 days more before you fall over dead, do you want your kids to remember the way you are now or that you were a dad who made them feel safe? Kids learn parent behavior. Do you want your kids to turn out as HA sufferers? Man up dude.

    Sorry to be harsh but you need a wake up call here man.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Don't appreciate being called a ********, but understand your frustration. My partner has called me all sort of names recently as well. Of course I don't want to teach my kids a lot of my mental traits, as I probably picked a lot up from my own father - he was always a bit of a worrier, and had a huge mental breakdown when I was 16, and then a manic episode a few years later which led to a diagnosis of bipolar. I sometimes worry that I'm bipolar as well, even though I haven't had major depression or mania.

    Saw the doc yesterday, and I tried to get my symptoms across to him, very difficult to describe the head sensations and strange headaches.

    Anyway, he suggested inner ear infection, labyrinthitis etc, so I continued to ask about things like MS, head conditions etc. He just said no, and said 'is it time to try and get a grip on this anxiety huh?'. Obviously I was upset because I know it's a problem. I do think MS, although rare, is an outside possibility in all of this.

    And last night I actually went to football (soccer) training. I wasn't going to go because of the dizziness and head aches, but strangely I was fine throughout. But as soon as I sat back in the car, the head pain and dizziness was back. Bizarre.

    Felt better today, the symptoms are calming down a bit more. I've started listening to my hypnotherapy mp3's this week, and I'm going to try and either attend tai chi classes again, or meditation classes.
    Last edited by MrLurcher; 21-06-19 at 18:49.

  7. #137
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: Heartburn / angina after exercise

    I'm happy to hear that you followed through with going to football Mr L. Also that I saw you posting on other threads trying to help others out. Hopefully these positive steps, and the ones you mention above to start doing will guide you along a path of progress. Perhaps share what you're doing with your wife to show that you are committed to getting this under control for your family's sake. (But then you'd better stick with it or she'll be rightfully upset!)

    I don't think it's bizarre at all that your symptoms stopped during the football match and started again after. You were distracted from your rumination and negative thoughts. If I recall correctly, this also happened during your bowel cancer fears a few months ago.

    Lastly, your doctor seems convinced as we are that your main issue here is the anxiety. Hopefully you take his/her advice otherwise I have to wonder why do you keep going anyway if you don't take the doc's recommendation?

    Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

  8. #138
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: Heartburn / angina after exercise

    Hi all, haven't been posting much over the past few weeks as I've been feeling better. Been exercising more, and trying to eat better.

    However, this week I've been feeling overcome with exhaustion, and the feelings of head pressure and mild lightheadedness are back. Feeling pretty downhearted that I'm having a repeat of these symptoms when I've been feeling better and trying to get on with life.

    I did have quite a few late nights last week, 2/3 nights only getting 5 hours, and the rest averaging around 6. I usually manage to fit in at least 7+ each night. I was thinking it could just be fatigue, but surely my body would've recovered by now. I haven't been worrying as much, but on a scale of 1-10, I'd say I'm on about 3/4 right now regarding health worrying. I thought worrying less would mean less physical symptoms. The only things on my mind this week have been: urination frequency, the pitting oedema (still there), left leg feels stiff when extending, right hand feels stiff, lack of sleep, checking eyes for jaundice/yellowing, I think I have tooth decay on one of my teeth. I don't know if all these things could still be contributing to my physical symptoms, even if I'm not OVERLY worried.....but maybe they are.

  9. #139
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Heartburn / angina after exercise

    The hypervigilance is still there, Mr Lurcher. You are still monitoring your body constantly.

  10. #140
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    Re: Heartburn / angina after exercise

    Yes I agree, but these symptoms came back without any sort of major stresses kick starting them off. I'm not saying it's something major like heart disease, but what I'm feeling could be B12 deficiency etc. Mild re-occurring head ache, lightheaded, tension/tightness in head, sore eyes, extremely tired.

    This is just quite bizarre because for a few days a week and half ago I felt really energised, didn't feel tired at all, even just before going to bed at 12am. Now I'm just completely wiped and just want to sleep.
    Last edited by MrLurcher; 15-07-19 at 14:25.

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