I have previously talked on this site a couple weeks ago pertaining my fear of colon/bowel/stomach/colorectal cancer at 17 durme to bright red blood blood and abdominal pain. As my symptoms wore off with my blood incident only happening once a month ago (never happened again) and left abdominal pain waited off I gained the symptom of lightheadedness that has lasted two weeks it started one night while playing video games to distract myself looking at the screen but I soon began my head to wonder off as I soon became lightheaded that night and it persisted all day for the next two weeks some days I’ll feel better some worse I feel that me focusing on it has made it worse but I wonder if it’s cancer because all my other symptoms has greatly improved. It IS NOT DIZZYNESS though I just feel lightheaded but I have still went to work and school with slight problems from it. Every symptom I have gotten I pay close attention to do the lightheadedness I pay attention to it from the first thing when I wake up to when I got to bed i feel little to nothing in the morning and it gets worse throughout the day when I think about it and can stop but think about it all the time I have to always question whether I am lightheaded or not and it happens. There have been rare times this week I have caught my self not being lightheaded and it will come back as soon as I notice. I also noticed that I barely blink in can look at something and my mind will be racing with thoughts sometimes I feel I am not in my own body and questioning whether this is real life I have cried because when other symptoms get way better one pops up after and lately the more anxious I get the more the stomach/ abdominal pains come back out they aren’t severe. The only times I don’t feel lightheaded is when I am running/working out or at my job that requires me to move a lot (fast food). I can I get passed this I feel like once the lightheadedness is gone I can go on with my life I have gotten over my first scare but now this is fueling it again