I walked a short distance inside to work today at about 0610 and went to the bathroom around 1000 and brought my purse with me. As I was washing my hands I realized I needed to go to (sorry for tmi change my feminine hygiene pad) and when I was in the middle of washing my hands I accidentally flung some soap on the one side of the purse. I wiped it off then washed my hands again (an OCD thing). When I got back into the office and was getting ready to go on my break I noticed a spot on the top (near the zipper) on the other side of the purse that looked like a small puddle of spit. It was opaqueish and full of bubbles but looked very similar to the hand soap.
I have no idea but this is freaking me out!! I have a few questions

1.) Could a rabid bat have dropped a rabid loogie on my handbag, and could I have potentially touched that and made contact with my lady parts (mucosal tissue) hence contracting this stupid disease?

2.) What does bat spit even look like? I know I’m being irrational but I’m so wound up and upset. This is my second rabies scare in the past two days and I can’t stop thinking about it

3.) was it soap or spit???