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Thread: About to get a lot of hassle at work

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: About to get a lot of hassle at work

    Good philosophy. I burned myself out trying to do it all and ended up on here! I used to be able to work all the hours but when I hit 30 I guess I couldn't keep up with that pace anymore.

    Even if someone gets ratty it could be that they are under pressure, or maybe even feel a bit stupid for messing up, and a bit of talking things through (and them seeing you helping them) might smooth that over and turn their attitude around.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Re: About to get a lot of hassle at work

    I was a Chief Steward in a union for a long time... I no longer am. What I tell new Union Stewards is the first thing they have to learn is how to tell their own people to go eff a nice way of course. Stand your ground you gave fair warning. Tech changes in the workplace throw people into a tizzy but pretty soon it will just be the way it is and everything will be forgotten about how it used to be.


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: About to get a lot of hassle at work

    Thanks, Noivous. It's been a tough week, I won't lie, and there's been times I've been close to having a little cry at my desk. That said, while certain staff members have behaved appallingly, I've received really heartening levels of kindness and support from others even when I haven't haven't had time to help them out in any sort of a timely manner.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2018

    Re: About to get a lot of hassle at work

    I'm sorry to hear that you're having hassle at work! People seem to refuse to change sometimes...
    (This is a very small thing compared to you, btw it sounds like you've done alot of hard work! That itself is amazing!)

    In my work we were changing laundry day from Thursday to Tuesday, we have a company from outside the house come to pick up the clothing and wash it all. I put up notices and told each housing member (I work in a care home) about the change for week's. Reminders daily. They are older and some of them have memory issues- so I really tried to get the change into their minds. I even put a notice in each of their bedrooms on their notice board- the week of the change over I was on holidays....I was in a place where I couldn't have my phone on. I came out and a load of miss-calls. From the company, other workers and even some of the housing members- no a single person had put their washing out. There was ALOT of tears from me! It ruined my holiday tbh, I kept worrying and trying to fix things!

    Sorry for that rant- I hope you're doing okay . It isn't fair to be put into a position like that! By anyone

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: About to get a lot of hassle at work

    Thanks for all the kind comments.

    Unfortunately, the pressure and verbal spite have been getting worse - I hardly dare pick the phone up or check my email, and I've had people wanting my time when I've been very visibly on my way to lunch, or indeed in the middle of it. Every day I find out about something else that should have been done but hasn't, and everybody thinks their problem can't wait a second despite having already waited several months.

    I'm trying my hardest, but my depression has staged a return and it's not much fun. I'm permanently exhausted and shaky, and the insomnia and bowel symptoms have returned; when I tried to plan something fun to do this evening I realised that nothing seemed particularly enjoyable any more. I have a ton of stuff to do for upcoming craft fairs and the online game I help staff, and all I can think about is how much I want to crawl beneath the covers and stay there.

    Sorry for whining; I know this will lift in time but at times like these I always get so angry with myself for not being resilient enough to simply snap myself out of it.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: About to get a lot of hassle at work

    Oh Blue that’s such a shame. People really can be bast***s sometimes. Can you speak to your boss? I’m sure they understand on some level but maybe not how deeply it’s affecting you?

    Keep to your plans at work, stick to your guns, take your blooming lunch break, and remember that this shall pass x

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: About to get a lot of hassle at work

    It sounds like it's time to set up a priorities list. Everything that needs to be done gets assessed and assigned it's place in the queue. If stakeholders become unreasonable about this then their bosses can be called in to talk about how they are not considering how the world doesn't revolve around them.

    Are regular fix updates being sent out? What is in the pipeline, when it's expected, etc? If stakeholders are kept in the loop (some) may push less. You will always gets the selfish ones though. They have people on their backs so they will try their luck.

    As far as lunch goes, just tell them to email it through or give you a call after x minutes.
    For free Mindfulness resources, please see this thread I have created to compile many sources together

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: About to get a lot of hassle at work

    Updates were sent out, yes, along with clear lists of actions that the staff concerned needed to take. They didn't take these, with the result that we're now in a very precarious position. I'm firefighting at the moment, dealing with the quickest fixes first, then everything else on a more or less first come first served basis. The awkward buggers tend to get shunted to the back of the queue, primarily because these are the ones who've done least to help themselves.

    On the bright side, I removed all the internal advertising banners on the old (dying) site and replaced it with an appropriately-modified copy of Monty Python's dead parrot sketch, which has actually proved more effective than all the meetings, presentations and informational emails combined.

  9. #19
    KK77's Avatar
    KK77 is offline NMP Complaints Mismanagement Controller
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    Re: About to get a lot of hassle at work

    We can be our own worst critic, and at times, enemy. So bear in mind that you have coped thus far and will continue to do so, whatever is thrown your way

    PS - You can't beat British humour to create positive vibes

    Never Surrender, Comrade

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: About to get a lot of hassle at work

    I hope you can get some respite from all this over the weekend and that you can sleep and stay asleep. Don't jeopardise your hard earned mental health over this, Iris? Someone else will deal with this if you go under so remember that and prioritise your sanity and wellbeing because you don't want to become really ill over other people's mistakes xx

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