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Thread: Drenching Night Sweats - Something new :(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Drenching Night Sweats - Something new :(

    Hi All

    Just when i thought i was getting on top of my HA, I get woken up last night to my first episode of a drenching night sweat! Yay for me!

    It was primarily my lower half, very wet lower back area and below (sorry if tmi)

    Anyway, I have read in the past that drenching night sweats is a tell tale sign of the Big C, So as you can imagine when i got this last night all i can think about now is the big "C"

    I've recently had a full blood work up in March this year which all came back 100% clear, So i am trying to put my mind to that to ease the alarms in my head!

    Anyway, one thing that HAS changed is that i started a medication yesterday (haven't been on anything for about 9 months) called ENDEP (Amitriptyline) in which i started last night, just before bed at around 9.30 i took 10mg, I get woken up at midnight to the drenching sweats

    A quick google on this med shows some mixed opinions, some of which suggest this medication can cause night sweats, but oddly then i read some use it to treat night sweats! so i am confused!

    Anyone care to share if they are on this, or been on it and got night sweats at the start?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Drenching Night Sweats - Something new :(

    I'm a survivor. I had night sweats. What you describe is not what I experienced. I had nightly head to lower body soak the sheets have to change bedding sweats which came after the swollen nodes and some other symptoms. One episode of a lower body sweats does not constitute a concern IMO and add to that a new med and i think you have a reasonable explanation.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Re: Drenching Night Sweats - Something new :(

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    I'm a survivor. I had night sweats. What you describe is not what I experienced. I had nightly head to lower body soak the sheets have to change bedding sweats which came after the swollen nodes and some other symptoms. One episode of a lower body sweats does not constitute a concern IMO and add to that a new med and i think you have a reasonable explanation.

    Positive thoughts
    thanks for the quick reply

    i mean, i did feel it on my forehead also but primarily lower back, top of legs area was its worst!
    did you get it every night?

    Im trying hard to make sense of it and given recent blood work being all clear should steer me in a positive direction

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Drenching Night Sweats - Something new :(

    I’ve had these ever since i started in anti depressants, about 8 years ago. They come and go but i don’t usually worry about them...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2019

    Re: Drenching Night Sweats - Something new :(

    Just thought id pop back in here for an update, well that next day i stopped the endep (so only took 1 tablet in total, was on nothing else prior except for Crestor) at first i thought the seats went away until last night, Yep i was woken up to a drenching sweat again at midnight! Oh no, kept me awake all night of course as the mind started ticking!

    That and now of course i have the nausea again, Great i think Nausea and night sweats, two big indicators of the big C

    I am currently still on Crestor and I had another run of full bloodwork just done this week checking almost everything, including some diseases (hiv, hep, etc), all come back clear except foe one thing, low testosterone

    Given the bloods are clear, would that suggest that it could be more likely

    • - the cholestorol meds, Crestor? which appears to have sweating as a side effect
    • - Anxiety (HA) which comes up alot in relation to night sweats
    • - Low testosterone (googled that night sweats can be linked to it)

    I think given there are 3 possible contenders that and the bloods are good we can rule out sinister things

    Im thinking the nausea is linked to the HA

    Hoping you can chime in with your experiences


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Drenching Night Sweats - Something new :(

    I take a beta blocker for a heart condition, it gave me horrendous night sweats, very localized to certain parts of my body, especially my chest. I know you didn't mention it, but meds in general, especially when new to them, are often worrisome until our bodies adjust.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Drenching Night Sweats - Something new :(

    Maybe I’m stating the obvious here.....but it’s late spring/beginning of’s hot.

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