Need help with a friend I regularly travel with. Because of his personality traits or potentially his OCD(?), I'm considering ending our 20 year friendship

What's happening...
When things don't go his way, he becomes angry and swears a lot, even in public in front of people.

If anything goes wrong on our travels, he will turn to me and say "well that wouldn't have happened if you...." constantly blames and points fingers.

Will be kind and courteous to open a door for someone and have a laugh with new people, but behind closed doors he's very arrogent and doesn't want strangers to approach him

Only "his way" of doing things is the right way, he can't collaborate and listen to any other suggestions.

He thinks he's the boss of our friendship, has to hold all keys and documents.

I really don't know what you would call this but I'm finally over it! He only become like this probably in the last 5 years.

He is like 2 people in one but not a schizophrenic.

Any help appreciated