I am struggling to have any clothes clean. Aside from the fact that I often have to wash everything more than once, and often go through 2 or 3 pairs of trousers per day, I am struggling to get any washing done due to the fact that the stereotype of England being miserable and rainy is true, so drying clothes outside is not an option most days (even when it is sunny it's a problem, but that's a whole different issue altogether).

I do have an indoor airer but it doesn't hold a full wash very well and it creates an awful smell. There's also the problem that the only space to dry the clothes is also where I sleep which isn't very healthy, and the clothes take more than a day to dry so it's all too easy to fall behind again. And no, I don't have a tumble drier.

I kind of feel that I have exhausted all options, so if anyone can suggest anything then I'd be very grateful. It's really, really getting me down and causing an incredible amount of stress.