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Thread: Arghhhh stupid rabies

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Arghhhh stupid rabies

    I was on here a little over 6 months ago about a stupid fear of exposure to rabies. As was predicted I haven’t died from rabies. Lol. To be honest with you I completely forgot about it and got on with my normal routines and have been good all the way up until a few days ago.

    A few nights ago I was walking in and out of the house carrying groceries. I held the door open for about 15 seconds while I bent down and moved the stack of groceries from the front porch to the inside of the house. Afterwards for some stupid reason all I could think about was that I possibly let a bat fly in the house. We have bats around the house in the evenings. You can see them flying at dusk.

    I didn’t see anything in the house. I just have this fear that one flew in. Anyways, I was sleeping last night and I woke up to this sharp feeling on the bottom of my foot, on the pad of the front part of your foot under my big toe. I sleep on top of the sheets and comforter in the summer. When I moved my foot I felt one of my cats at the foot of the bed and sat up and saw him laying there. I went to the bathroom and looked at the bottom of my foot and didn’t see anything. No marks or scratches.

    Now the logical side says my cat likely bit or clawed at my foot, even though he has never done it before or if there was a bat by my foot, next to my cat, my cat would have been going ballistic over it. Also, the logical side says that if there was a bat in the house I would have seen it or been alerted to it by my 2 cats or my border collie. However, for some stupid reason i am worrying about a bat in my house that may have bit the bottom of my foot while sleeping. I worry because I remember reading before, when I had my first scare, that bat bites can be hard to detect and some people never knew they were bitten.

    My wife says it was likely the cat and I agree with her but I have that little part of me that is doubting it. I have a little bit of sharp pin prick pain in the area but not bad. However, I don’t see any marks.

    No need to reply if you don’t want to. I am just venting I guess.
    Last edited by GRVY; 16-06-19 at 21:04.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Arghhhh stupid rabies

    Or you may have been bitten by an insect. But probably your cat. Your cat probably thinks it’s funny to pretend to be a bat.
    It’s good that you wrote everything down including your fear, what you’re worried about and also your rationalisation. I know that you’re probably in a lot of turmoil, but I expect that there’s something else stressing you out and in your anxious state you decided to invent a ninja bat. How do you normally cope with your anxiety?

    Incidentally I recently walked through a bat house (I’m in the UK) at a wildlife park and when those things fly pass your head you can feel it and hear it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Arghhhh stupid rabies

    I like Working out, hiking, or fishing with my kids and wife. So when I get anxious I usually do that. I also like writing things out. It helps get me realize how silly I sound sometimes. I do have a surgery coming up later this year that I am a bit worried about.

    The funny thing is I have never been afraid of bats. I used shoot nerf guns in the air as a kid and see how close the bats would get to me when chasing them down. We had bats in our house every summer when we were kids. Never thought much about it. It wasn’t until I had a rabies scare (term used loosely) that I started being freaked out by bats.

    I read my post and it sounds so stupid. I am basically saying that I think a bat flew in my house unnoticed and bit me on the bottom of my foot. Yet no one has seen a bat in my house. I don’t have any bite marks or red spot on my foot. That’s why I think my cat may have put a claw or tooth on it real quick. Not enough to draw blood. Plus my cat would have annihilated a bat that was next to him. He jumps into windows when he sees birds outside. I just having a hard time shaking this feeling.
    Last edited by GRVY; 17-06-19 at 05:22.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2016

    Re: Arghhhh stupid rabies

    No your post isn’t stupid, it’s really well thought out and shows good reasoning. The idea that bat is in your house is indeed far fetched. But it seems like you’re working through it.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Arghhhh stupid rabies

    I am trying to work through it. Like I said I like writing because it allows me to look at what I wrote as if I am a stranger reading it for the first time. It gives me some distance from the situation so I can try to view it more objectively. I also went on a five mile hike with my youngest today and had a blast. It helps me forget about stresses

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Arghhhh stupid rabies

    Glad you're doing better.

    Just a thought from a fellow cat owner: neither of my cats go for feet but they sometimes accidentally scratch them by walking or jumping over them.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Arghhhh stupid rabies

    It being my cat is the most likely reason for the sudden pain. Felt like his claws to me but when I sat up he was laying there. Felt like a pin prick on the bottom of my foot. Maybe I startled him or he stretched or something. I’m not 100 percent sure. Either way I really wish it wouldn’t have happened. Lol. I just wish I could stop thinking that it was some fictitious bat. I even woke up the next morning and shook all my blinds l, jackets hanging, close in the closet. Nothing flew out and I haven’t seen anything. Sometimes it irritates me that my mind plays these tricks on me. Your mind has an uncanny ability to fill in the blanks when it doesn’t have all the information. Sometimes it comes up with some weird stuff. Lol

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Arghhhh stupid rabies

    Sorry to update this thread. I am having a bad time of this. So the incident that worries me happened just over two weeks ago. I was fine after about a week because my foot started to not hurt anymore but today I am having a horrible muscle spasm in my upper back between my spine and shoulder blade. I can barely move my neck and it is in constant pain. I am laying here thinking about how this is a sign/symptom even though it seems so unlikely. I’m not sure what I could have done to my back. I truly had pushed this feeling off because it seemed so far fetched but I am worrying again.

    I have also had my right eye twitching for the last 2 days which I was sure it was from not sleeping enough.
    Last edited by GRVY; 02-07-19 at 21:02.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Arghhhh stupid rabies

    I was hoping it would better when I woke up this morning but it is not. Still a very sharp pain and now it is radiating down my upper right arm.

    I am really starting to get worried.

    I’m gonna call must but I bet he will just prescribe some muscle relaxers or pain meds.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Arghhhh stupid rabies

    Hey there!

    I have this exact same thought process ALL THE TIME. I'll open the door at night and think I let a bat in, even if I never saw one. I've been told by a few people that had bats in their house/a bat get into their bedroom that bats are somewhat loud when flying, chirp or click when agitated, and fly in circles when trapped somewhere. If you let a bat into your house, you would definitely notice it right away. If you somehow didn't, and it hid somewhere until you fell asleep, it would still be in your bedroom in the morning. And, yeah, your cat would have been going crazy over it---before it got on your bed. I have four cats back home and they would run all over the house trying to catch large houseflies.

    I totally understand your worry, since I suffer this one a lot. But you're definitely fine!

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