I have been suffering from anxiety and panic disorder for nearly 6 years. The last 2 years have been the worst. I am completely agoraphobic. I haven't been able to leave my house and go further than about 200 meters. My partner of 12 years has finally decided that he had enough and he doesn't want to live like this anymore. I haven't been able to go for therapy for the simple reason that I can't get there and I haven't been able to find a psychologist who is willing to do house calls. I am not on any medication. Never have been. I use some herbal remedies. I haven't had a panic attack in over a year, but that is mainly because I don't do anything that can lead to a panic attack. I have a small shopping center right across the road from my house and that is as far as I can travel without starting to feel panicky.

But now I have to move cause I can obviously not stay were I am as my boyfriend just dumped me. The breakup is not helping my anxiety at all. Knowing that I HAVE to leave is not helping either. I haven't actually had a single panic attack during the breakup or at all since the breakup which is giving me hope. I have decided I want to move back to my hometown. I currently live in the city, Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa. My hometown is much smaller and I think I might have a better chance of overcoming my agoraphobia there than in the city. But the problem is getting there. I have about a month to get myself ready to leave. I have been trying to leave the house everyday, to get in my car and drive. I get as far as the stop street at the end of my block. My legs start shaking so badly that I can't operate the pedals to drive any further.

I have been considering a trip to my doctor to see if he can help me to just get to where I am moving to. I am currently even considering sedation. I have a friend that is willing to drive me there if I can't do it myself. I need advice. If anyone has gone through this before, please help me and tell me how you did it. I have already found an apartment in my hometown and it is about 73 miles from where I am now, about 1 hour and 40 minutes travel.