I just found this while browsing today and I'm half thinking of contacting her. What do you think? Would anyone else be interested?

Do you have agoraphobia?

I am a journalist who is currently writing a book ‘Coping with agoraphobia’ for Sheldon Press. I am looking to speak to people with experience of agoraphobia – you could currently be housebound, in the process of overcoming your fears or at the stage where you can travel freely with little fear. Whatever your experience of agoraphobia, I would be pleased to hear from you. My contact details are info@mmurphyassociates.com If you leave me a phone number I will call you back at your convenience.

Melissa Murphy
Melissa Murphy Associates

Journalism ~ Communications ~PR
T: 01525 712956
M: 07917 196009
W: www.mmurphyassociates.com