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Thread: Pain on left side by ribs

  1. #1

    Pain on left side by ribs

    I started having lower left rib pain several years ago and saw a chiropractor with no change. The pain could be felt when I pushed on my rib, but part of me thought I was causing that by checking it so much. After a few months, the pain went away. Then it came back and I told my GP and they did a blood draw and had me go for an ultrasound. Everything came back normal. Again, the pain went away after a few months. Now I'm year 3 or 4 of having this pain come and go. I've been able to convince myself it's nothing horrible and not obsess but this time it's different and of course, my anxiety got the best of me.

    Now the pain feels like it covers more area. Before it felt like muscle or rib pain but now it feels like it could be more sinister. It's high enough that I would assume spleen or maybe part of the stomach. I don't know, it's all mashed together over there. The pain sometimes moves to my back shoulder and under the armpit. Sometimes it feels closer to the middle of my chest. Sometimes it's bottom of the ribs or just an ache in the middle. It can hurt to sit. I don't feel it much when I'm standing or laying down. It hurts enough to be distracting but not severe pain. It's more of dull ache or throbbing that comes and goes.

    The reason I need reassurance is because I've already seen my doc and had another round of normal blood draws and she referred me to a gastroenterology specialist ("if it keeps bothering you" she said). The specialist can't see me for a month and I just want to quit freaking. Does anyone have any insight as to what this might be caused by?

    A little background: I had my gall bladder removed almost 5 years ago and since then I've had loose stools and diarrhea when I eat fatty foods. My digestive system is not the best but I've never been diagnosed with IBS or food allergies. I also have large breasts and wear an underwire bra daily. I exercise but am about 30 pounds overweight. I am currently on the keto diet to lose weight. All of these things might lend to my pain but I have not been able to pinpoint anything.

    Thank you to all that take time to support one another.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Pain on left side by ribs

    Has anyone said it could be Costochondritis

    “Don't be afraid of death; be afraid of an unlived life. You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbitt

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  3. #3

    Re: Pain on left side by ribs

    No one has said that but I’ve seen that when googling symptoms. I assumed because it moved around and came and went it didn’t fit.

  4. #4

    Re: Pain on left side by ribs


    You sound like me. Female, 30 pounds overweight from my happy healthy weight (technically that's still just over my BMI doctors say on charts but I'm tall and curvy and they don't account for muscle weight). I played around with keto. Not realistic for me. I'm currently looking into IF and OMAD.

    Into the pain part of our similarities now.
    Last night at midnight my husband got dressed and then said we were going to the hospital for me. I'd been obsessing and panicking over a not symmetrical stomach feature which I never had before... More fat to the right side than left. The other day in the shower, I was able to feel with soap what I thought was a massive orange like lump. Well I freaked. I've been obsessing over the symmetry issue and the fullness for months on that side. And I was having pain recently. Well I'm assuming all the poking and prodding didn't do it any good. We get to the hospital and do blood work, tests and MRI. Recently I've had a lot of blood work due to a family genetic thing and thyroid thing. So, let's just say I'm in the all clear for everything. All normal blood work! Mri comes back last night totally normal. The relief I've felt now from knowing really helped. And that's why my husband brought me - to reassure me. I had pain today and I still feel odd there but as he said the more I touched it and more I focus on it the more I'll notice it. Also it's amazing what we can convince ourselves with anxiety. Now I'm anxious about being so anxious. You've done everything you should. And I had a full scan of my abdominal area and ribs and pelvis. I still get anxious with the pain because I'm like that with any pain but now knowing I'm OK makes it that much better... Takes the obsession away. You're still going to get pains and aches and I'm sure you'll worry as I do, but to know that a doctor isn't concerned I hope at least helps a bit. I've had that same pain under the ribs too. Also shoulder and back etc. And sometimes at the same time. This has happened across my life and I'm doing OK. Hope that helps a little. Stay strong

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  5. #5

    Re: Pain on left side by ribs

    Thank you for your reply. I know you're right and sometimes it's just nice to hear someone say it again. Such as the anxiety loop, I guess. I started listening to an audiobook on stress called Dare. It's less about relaxation and calming the anxiety away and more about changing the way you face it. I'm not far enough to know if it will help, but it seems promising. I'm happy you found some comfort for the time being. Also lol@ 30 pounds from still being just over BMI because yup, same here! Seriously though, 30 lbs less is skinny enough! I started doing 16/8 IF and it's really not bad at all. There are some great subreddits that have meal tips for OMAD and IF.

  6. #6

    Re: Pain on left side by ribs

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinkjilly View Post
    Thank you for your reply. I know you're right and sometimes it's just nice to hear someone say it again. Such as the anxiety loop, I guess. I started listening to an audiobook on stress called Dare. It's less about relaxation and calming the anxiety away and more about changing the way you face it. I'm not far enough to know if it will help, but it seems promising. I'm happy you found some comfort for the time being. Also lol@ 30 pounds from still being just over BMI because yup, same here! Seriously though, 30 lbs less is skinny enough! I started doing 16/8 IF and it's really not bad at all. There are some great subreddits that have meal tips for OMAD and IF.
    Yes! I belong to an omad subreddit and the if one. The ones with the most members... Know there's a few. I am reading into everything. Very interesting.

    Hope that your program works for you! Anything is better than nothing I say. Even a 2% improvement is improvement. So hopefully it's helping and will at least make your days a bit easier than they were before starting it

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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