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Thread: Maxine's cbt progress.

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi guys,
    First of all thank you to those who replied you good wishes are much appreicated.

    I'm feeling okish about starting the CBT still a little nervous but I'm hoping that will disappear once it starts.

    Anyway i thougt i'd post up what exactly CBT is or at least what the NO more panic CBT involves for those of you who are intrested in possibly doing it at some point so here goes...( get comfy this is going to take a while)

    Ok first of all you get a form from no more panic you fill it it then return it of course and then your on a 4-6 week waiting list,
    It took about a month before i got a phone call from nopanic he gave me a date and time and asked if that was ok for me, once i agreed the notes i am going to need where posted i recieved then a few days later.

    Now what was on these notes i hear you ask, well give me a minute i'm going to tell you!!

    I am doing group cbt so the first page tells me who is going to be on my group there are 6 people including me,all female and all suffering the same type of symptoms, it also tells you how to use the teleconfrencing which sounds quite odd at first to be honest.

    As the group runs for 14 weeks there are diffrent tasks for each week it builds up slowly step by step(which is good because i was terrified they were going to tell me to go to the supermarket on my first week!!)
    You are also give tips and advice on how to keep the conversation flowing and goals to set yourself so all in all it does't look to scary.

    Oh and i had to laugh in the back of your notes it says that the group leader can ,well lead ,if the group does't have a natural leader, the first though that came to my head was i hope i can be quiet enough to not to get allocated the "natural leader" position!!

    Right thats enough of me rattling on i hope i explained that ok.

    Ok bye thanks for listening.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    That is great news - I am so pleased that you are doing it.

    It will be a BIG help and you WILL succeed at it I know.

    Very proud of you mate


  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Good luck Max - I hope it goes well for you!!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Maxine

    Good luck and i hope it all goes well


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi All,
    Just thought i'd fill you in on next weeks plans, first of all im going to be on the missing list, my computer is broken and needs to be repaired so i won't be online till at least Friday (Im going to be so bored without my chatroom mates!!) So dont worry i am still alive!
    And I've got a new sofa being delivered on Wednesday and then my CBT starts on Friday.
    AAARRRRGGGGHHH next week is going to be stressful if i can control my panic attacks next week then i can do anything!! [8D]

    Well here's hoping i get my computer back before my CBT starts.

    Thanks for all the good wishes guys your support means alot.

    Ok then hopefully i'll see you all next weekend.

    Take care


  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    , , United Kingdom.

    Well as you can tell im happy!after a very stressful week im feeling really good ! yippeee.

    Well it all started on Monday,my laptop was picked up to be repaired and ive only just got it back but at least it appears to be working perfectly fine again.
    Tuesday morning my bloody boiler broke down again, i spend 8 hours in the cold!
    Wednesday my new sofa was supposed to arrive but the phoned me at the last minute and said it was going ro be saturday before they could deliver it! arrrggghhh.
    Thursday was quiet but i was beginning to get nervous about the CBT.

    Friday,( the first day of the rest of my life) I woke up feeling sick and anxious and on top of that i had to move all the furniture out of my front room to make way for the sofa,i thought it would distract me from the impending CBT,(it did't have the disired affect i was just annoyed as well as anxious!)

    Well anyway I'll get to the good bit.. after stressing out the whole day and having panic attacks galore it was eventually 8:45pm (why does time seem to ground to a halt when your anxious?)I phoned the number i was given and guess what as soon as i started talking to Lynne our group leader i was perfectly calm!I could't believe it, all that panic for nothing i was fine no problems at all.

    The first session was really just breaking the ice getting to know a bit about each other ect and they all seem really nice I felt so comftable talking to them the hour past very quickly and now im really looking forward to next week.
    I was gutted i did't have my computer so i could tell my mates in chat all about it!(mind you they'll be pleased i dont think i would have shut up!)

    Then Saturday morning at a very unreasonable hour 7am my new sofa arrived,it is the worlds nicest sofa, ok i admit a bit of an overstatment but its my first new one and im so chuffed with it.

    So anyway that was my week all in all i was't as panicy as i was expecting and im really pleased ive started with the CBT now its the best thing ive done!
    Sorry if i rambled on abit there i was getting slightly over excited.

    Well now you know im alive and feeling fantastic!
    LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!!

    Take care all

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Maxine

    Fantastic news! I'm so glad the CBT went well. It was certainly an eventful week for you. I am sure this is going to help you get back on track again.

    You've been missed in chat!


    It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    That is great news! I am so pleased it went well for you.

    Sounds like you are going to enjoy the CBT and I bet it will get better over the weeks.

    Sounds like you had an eventful week! Good to see you back online again and I bet you will be in the Chat room later lol.


  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi im glad you enjoyed it andfound yourself more relaxed about it than you expected hope it keeps going well keep us informed

    fan x

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Glad it went well max!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Speak soon tc xxxxxxxxx


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