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Thread: Raised Anxiety after starting Ven

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Raised Anxiety after starting Ven

    Hi, been on the Mirt forum for some time as on 30mg per day. Recent problems got dr to start me on 75mg of Ven which I started last week so I'm 4 days on Ven now. Noticed that my Anxiety has been worse and I kind of feel wired, on edge only feeling calm come evening. Still on Mirt but I think the plan is to come off that once Ven gets into my system. I guess im asking in general, how long this raised anxiety lasts as I have a habit of panicking when it comes to med changes and have stopped taking them before due to startup side affects. Want to give this new drug a chance so is it like Mirt where it can take a month or so to start to work.

  2. #2
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    Jan 2017

    Re: Raised Anxiety after starting Ven

    Quote Originally Posted by Maca44 View Post
    I guess im asking in general, how long this raised anxiety lasts
    Unfortunately, this is one of those how long is a piece of string questions which can only be answered with, it depends.

    The problem is despite the common myths that serotonin is a *'feel good' neurotransmitter and ADs work by raising brain serotonin levels, the opposite is true in both cases. Serotonergic ADs like venlafaxine do trigger an immediate increase in synaptic and general brain serotonin levels from the very first dose which is what triggers most of the unpleasant side-effects. But after a few weeks they force a significant down-regulation of serotonin synthesis and expression in regions of the brain linked to anxiety and depression. However, the process can revert for a while following dose increases, though side-effects severity tends to be less each time.

    *neurotransmitters don't have an intrinsic property, their action is determined by the receptors they bind to, not the neurotransmitter itself.

    have stopped taking them before due to startup side affects
    Speak to the prescribing doctor if they become intolerable. There are ways of minimizing them with meds such as mirtazapine, the benzodiazepines (if you can get a script), or milder anxiolytics such a hydroxyzine, etc.

    Want to give this new drug a chance so is it like Mirt where it can take a month or so to start to work.
    Most antidepressants take 4-12 weeks to kick-in from when a therapeutic dose is first taken. They work by stimulating the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampal regions of the brain and it is the new cells and the interconnections they forge which produces the therapeutic response, not the ADs directly. Mirtazapine appears to become effective sooner for anxiety because of the sedation. It is more a sedating antihistamine than antidepressant.

  3. #3
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    Re: Raised Anxiety after starting Ven

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post
    Unfortunately, this is one of those how long is a piece of string questions which can only be answered with, it depends.

    The problem is despite the common myths that serotonin is a *'feel good' neurotransmitter and ADs work by raising brain serotonin levels, the opposite is true in both cases. Serotonergic ADs like venlafaxine do trigger an immediate increase in synaptic and general brain serotonin levels from the very first dose which is what triggers most of the unpleasant side-effects. But after a few weeks they force a significant down-regulation of serotonin synthesis and expression in regions of the brain linked to anxiety and depression. However, the process can revert for a while following dose increases, though side-effects severity tends to be less each time.

    *neurotransmitters don't have an intrinsic property, their action is determined by the receptors they bind to, not the neurotransmitter itself.

    Speak to the prescribing doctor if they become intolerable. There are ways of minimizing them with meds such as mirtazapine, the benzodiazepines (if you can get a script), or milder anxiolytics such a hydroxyzine, etc.

    Most antidepressants take 4-12 weeks to kick-in from when a therapeutic dose is first taken. They work by stimulating the growth of new brain cells in the hippocampal regions of the brain and it is the new cells and the interconnections they forge which produces the therapeutic response, not the ADs directly. Mirtazapine appears to become effective sooner for anxiety because of the sedation. It is more a sedating antihistamine than antidepressant.
    Hi, thanks for taking the time to explain things. I guess its just a case of putting up with it until it settles then I will know how long the piece of string was😀. Yes the Mirt never really worked great with my anxiety but did help with sleep and has helped over the last few years but I think a med change was long overdue as things have been getting worse over the last year. There is also the weight gain which isn't helping my confidence or health so its one of the things I hope to address once we start the Mirt reductions depending on how well the Ven works for me.

    Thanks again

  4. #4
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    May 2017

    Re: Raised Anxiety after starting Ven

    God this is hard going, day 7 on 75mg of Ven and still on 30mg of Mirt pm until dr tapers it down. Anxiety is pretty intense especially in the morning. I work in the afternoons for 4 hours and am worried I'm going to lose it and not be able to go in. I really hope this intense anxiety subsides soon I'm finding it hard to deal with and my gp is not the sort to dish out a sedative. If this goes on much longer I will need to think about stopping it. An advice would be much appreciated.

  5. #5
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    Re: Raised Anxiety after starting Ven

    Quote Originally Posted by Maca44 View Post
    I really hope this intense anxiety subsides soon I'm finding it hard to deal with and my gp is not the sort to dish out a sedative. If this goes on much longer I will need to think about stopping it. An advice would be much appreciated.
    You are probably very close to seeing a reduction in side-effects. They usual begin diminishing as plasma levels of the drug stabilize to a steady-state which should have occurred a couple of days ago so try and hang on a little longer if you can. While your GP might not be keen on prescribing a benzodiazepine (BZD), there shouldn't be an objection to trying hydroxyzine as it isn't habit forming (not that a few days on BZDs would be either).

  6. #6
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    Re: Raised Anxiety after starting Ven

    It is so hard to keep calm even though I keep telling myself it will pass.

  7. #7
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    Re: Raised Anxiety after starting Ven

    Quote Originally Posted by Maca44 View Post
    It is so hard to keep calm even though I keep telling myself it will pass.
    Yes, it is hard. Try and distract yourself as much as possible. The first time I started on an antidepressant I rather stupidly demanded the dose be raised as quickly as possible as I wanted to speed up the process to protect my job. It was a horrendous experience, but one I got through by 'reading'. Actually, more just looking at the pages one word at a time without really comprehending what it was all about, but it got me through some very dark days. I've used the same strategy several times since with the same books when things became bleak while restarting, or switching ADs. I still have no idea what the books are about.

    Another thing you can try to ease the heightened anxiety is a rudimentary form of acupuncture. Run your index finger down the back of an ear where it joins the skull until you find a hollow toward the bottom and apply firm pressure at that spot for a minute or so, though not to the point it is painful. Reapply as necessary. One ear is often more effective than the other, but this can change from day to day so you may need to experiment.

  8. #8
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    Re: Raised Anxiety after starting Ven

    It was so bad at work yesterday I had to take half of a Zopliclone to calm down, Its been a few years since my panic/anxiety has been that bad. The odd thing is I know its panic so im not thinking im dying because I know its panic but I still have that totally out of control panic feeling. The Zopliclone calmed me down but its not the best thing to use while out driving. I will try the ear pressure, thank you.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Raised Anxiety after starting Ven

    Hi Maca.

    How are you doing this morning? Panic down under has given you great advice, and I'm going to try the ear thing too!

    Do you think the anxiety is about taking a new medicine? Or do you feel it's a side effect? Might be difficult to tell I guess. What strategies have you used before for panic? It's really good that you recognise it's just panic and you aren't dying, and you WILL get through it just fine.

    I switched from citalopram to Ven and didn't have major side effects, just a couple of mild ones. That said, when I've done dose increases I've had side effects. First time I gave up and went back to original dose, but they do subside if you can stick with it.

    Out of interest, what time do you take your Ven? And is it 75mg once a day (extended release) or twice daily (37.5 immediate release)?
    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

  10. #10
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    May 2017

    Re: Raised Anxiety after starting Ven

    Quote Originally Posted by Dying_Swan View Post
    Hi Maca.

    How are you doing this morning? Panic down under has given you great advice, and I'm going to try the ear thing too!

    Do you think the anxiety is about taking a new medicine? Or do you feel it's a side effect? Might be difficult to tell I guess. What strategies have you used before for panic? It's really good that you recognise it's just panic and you aren't dying, and you WILL get through it just fine.

    I switched from citalopram to Ven and didn't have major side effects, just a couple of mild ones. That said, when I've done dose increases I've had side effects. First time I gave up and went back to original dose, but they do subside if you can stick with it.

    Out of interest, what time do you take your Ven? And is it 75mg once a day (extended release) or twice daily (37.5 immediate release)?
    I take it am 75mg extended but can't eat am so just have it with coffee. I'm still on 30mg of Mirt pm so, yes I think its the meds causing the raised anxiety but also a little of my own startup/new med anxiety also. I have practiced mindfulness audio and deep breathing for years but when Im like I was yesterday I can't do anything but panic, also closing my eyes and meditating with headphones on while driving don't go well together 😀.
    Still very early days its day 8 on Ven and I did sleep last night and evening was calm so that was good.

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