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Thread: Can’t stop worrying about MND

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    Quote Originally Posted by Anxiety218 View Post
    Hi I was wondering if you ever figured out a diagnosis? I’m 21 and have been experiencing muscle twitches which led me to a ALS down spiral. Any insight would be great
    Hi there,

    I’m so sorry you are struggling with this it really is awful!

    2 years on now for me and I have no diagnosis . apart from anxiety and a vitamin d deficiency but I’m not sure if that’s a reason .

    I’ve been doing much better the past 3 months , I’m taking herbal anti anxiety medication and believe it’s definitely helped . I had a 4 week period there where I never twitched at all ! It’s back this month but I am a bit stressed and anxious again , who knows

    Please don’t let it take over your life it’s taken over mine for 2 years now . And I’m still worrying to some extent .

  2. #102

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    With all due respect, to cancel you wedding over this? I hope you have a very understanding fiancé. What are you doing to treat your HA?

    Positive thoughts
    I would hate to put him through that if I knew I was going to die soon. My worst Fear is this and not being able to do everything we planned (kids etc. ) We’ve been together 7 years. I’ve tried several anti-depressants and none of them worked well enough and last one being Prozac which my doctor took me off because she said She thought an anti depressant wasn’t best for me. So she’s put me on buspar, and I have been doing therapy but it’s closed due to covid rn. I can do a phone session but they aren’t the best for me.

  3. #103

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    It’s so hard to not believe the worst. Especially when the twitches are so constant and my anxiety takes off with the worst possible. Are you twitches in your upper arms too? Thank you for the reply

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    Quote Originally Posted by Anxiety218 View Post
    It’s so hard to not believe the worst. Especially when the twitches are so constant and my anxiety takes off with the worst possible. Are you twitches in your upper arms too? Thank you for the reply
    Yep they are in my upper arms , even Butt cheeks ( lol ) , they are everywhere . It’s honestly the worst feeling but looking in this forum lots of people twitch or have done in the past . It’s an incredibly common symptom of anxiety and I struggle myself to train this into my Brain.

    I’m trying my best though and just taking one day at a time .

  5. #105

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    I feel this as well. Even in my rib cage. I went to the doctor today who tested my strength and reflexes. Everything appeared normal, and strong no signs of weakness. He ordered a EMG and nerve conduction tests as well as blood work. Feel good about the no weakness but nervous about the tests. Have you had this Done?

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Can’t stop worrying about MND

    It’s an incredibly common symptom of anxiety
    It really is, very very common. Benign fasciculations are tired jangling nerves and muscles, over stimulated and exhausted from tension, adrenaline and general stress. We really shouldn't be surprised that this happens , it you do a repeptitive action that strains you, you will get effects in your joints and muscles, why shouldn't nerves and muscles react to repetitive over stimulation and anxiety ?

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