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Thread: Depression? Cant eat....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Depression? Cant eat....

    Since having very worrying symptoms that have carried on I have become a nervous wreck....Im not sure if ive had nervous breakdown or what. Doc checked me over (lady problems so it was that type of check) and seemed happy....still getting symptoms though so heading back to docs in 2 weeks. I have had HA for 15+ years but this by far the worst as I feel I actually have cancer this time.

    I can't eat solids at all and I am surviving on what may be called a liquid diet as I'm so nervous about bathroom habits. Living off protein/whole milk and nurishment drinks and fruit juice as well as taking fibregel drinks and I am drinking lots of water. I eat the odd bit of soup and cheese and ate a crumpet last night.

    Am I depressed? Not sure how to get out of my eating rut as I've lost 7 pounds in 2 weeks. I am usually a good eater and I was at a 25 BMI before all this started.
    Sleeping pattern is screwed too and im quite weak.

    What do you eat when your are depressed? is this a common feature of depression to go on weeks?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Depression? Cant eat....

    I believe stress and depression affect people differently. When I went through some depression, I didn't have much of an appetite but then I was recovering from a heart attack and bypass surgery too, taking pain meds and such so I'm sure that didn't help. When my wife was in the hospital, I couldn't eat as I was so worried about her. But I've read of the opposite here. Depression and anxiety causing binge and boredom eating.

    Essentially, I had to force myself to eat. I stuck to easier softer foods (mashed potatoes, scrambled eggs, cereal, rice etc.). t's not easy but you have to make the effort. Of course, treating the mental health is vital as well.

    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Depression? Cant eat....

    Sorry to hear how you're feeling. The liquid diet you're on is better than nothing but probably not great in the long run. Is it that you don't have an appetite or that you can't be bothered to cook? Either way, you could make a big batch of soup and make it balanced with lots of veg, meat or beans/lentils and some pasta or barley, and have that with some wholemeal bread? Yogurts, ready made custard etc. Freezer stuff too, not perfect but ok, eg fish fingers, chips or frozen mash (surprisingly good), peas. Pasta with an easy sauce. Omelettes are quick and easy too. Eggs are really nourishing and you can chuck in whatever filling, although eggs can be a bit binding so depending on your bowel worries, may or may not be helpful.
    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Depression? Cant eat....

    I wouldn't worry too much about not eating. I've been through bouts of not eating for weeks on end and I can easily lose 25lbs in a month, this has happened numerous times.

    7lbs in two weeks is not concerning at all.

    I would just focus on eating nutrient dense foods when you can eat (avocado, nuts, fruit, veg) and avoiding meal replacement drinks. They're all rubbish. Also keep eating healthy fats (again, avocado, nuts, butter, olive oil etc).

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: Depression? Cant eat....

    My weight has stabilised even though I am still not eating much...drinking calorie laden whey powder each day (458 cal per serving once a day) and calorific fruit juices and whole milk.

    Had a few soups also.

    Too scared to have bowel movements which is the real problem I guess...but I try and eat and get full quickly.

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