Thank you so much for the long reply. This is so very kind of you and have put my mind at ease somewhat.
I think I just keep replaying that day in my head trying to find moments or scenarios that I could have forgotten that could be a bat biting me. I know the statistic says very low probability but I can't stop feeling/thinking that what if it was a bat- the two pronged marks does not come from nowhere. Her house does have bats and if it was a bat on the ground, then that bat definitely had rabies because bats usually don't stay grounded unless they were sick.

Then again, there were other people there wearing shorts and dresses as well, why is it just me who got bitten by the bat?

The symptoms I'm feeling also makes it even more difficult to dismiss/forget about the fear. Everything just seems to be a perfect storm leading me to believe I'm doomed...

Thank you so much for your reply