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Thread: Very afraid

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Very afraid

    As I've said here many times.... It's not cancer until they say it is. I know it's not much solace but it's a mantra among warriors and survivors.


    Positive thoughts
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Very afraid

    Take it one step at a time Fishman.
    Of course you'll be able to drive, we always manage to find that inner strength when we need it. x

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Very afraid

    Thank you both for your very helpful input. OK we were promised a phone call for this morning but it didn't come so I phoned them at about 4pm. They didn't know of any call back and the waiting time for an appt is 6 to 8 weeks. Yes weeks. So what happened to the 2 week guideline? And this is the 'better' hospital? So a week wasted and we phoned the GP surgery for another referral, hopefully a quicker one this time.

    Anxiety today has been on another level. And everything I enjoyed seems pointless somehow.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Very afraid

    Hi Fishman.

    I don't have much I can add, but didn't want to just read and run. I found the statistic Carys shared reassuring, about 80% referrals being benign. Waiting around is so difficult, and I hope you and your wife soon get some answers. Wishing you both the best x
    'If you're going through hell, keep going' (Winston Churchill)

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: Very afraid

    Quote Originally Posted by fishman65 View Post
    Thank you both for your very helpful input. OK we were promised a phone call for this morning but it didn't come so I phoned them at about 4pm. They didn't know of any call back and the waiting time for an appt is 6 to 8 weeks. Yes weeks. So what happened to the 2 week guideline? And this is the 'better' hospital? So a week wasted and we phoned the GP surgery for another referral, hopefully a quicker one this time.

    Anxiety today has been on another level. And everything I enjoyed seems pointless somehow.
    Wait - what?? A six to eight week wait for an urgent referral to a breast clinic? How can this be?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2016

    Re: Very afraid

    Hi Fish , sorry to read you are going through a rough time again , you are doing what we both have done time and time again , one of our family isn’t well and our minds have fast forwarded to worst case , death , funeral and how our lives will be without them , but how many times has it not turned out not to be as bad as we thought ? Too bloody many and hopefully this will be the same , I know it’s pretty much impossible to stop your mind running away with itself but the best thing is keep busy and carry on doing what you normally do .
    On hospital appointment days ( every other week in our house ) I still carry on the same , walk the dogs , do some bits and bobs until it’s time to go , I take half a diazepam to take the edge off and make sure I’ve eaten and drank something.
    You can get through you’ve done it before .
    Sorry to hear that you went through it Carys , there is so much we don’t know about people’s struggles on here and what they’ve been through to bring them here , it’s good that you have kept your sense of humour and positivity.
    Take care mate .

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Very afraid

    Yes, how can it be ? Its not usually even that long for a non-urgent referral. That is a disgrace! Did the GP definitely send the referral marked as 'urgent/two week rule'. If she did, and the hospital cite 'volume of referrals and patients', then one would question how on earth they could be so far off the NICE guidelines and be mismanaging their resources.

    Anyway, that doesn't help you right now, and it is downright cruel to expect someone to psychologically cope with that timescale, besides having messed up even getting back to you anyway. I am glad to hear you have recontacted the GP, and if they can make no further headway then consider another hospital! If you need further advice then I would highly recommend the helpling at , which isn't JUST for people with BC as there is a board there for benign conditions and they are there to help anyway at any point in the process of assessement. Sometimes they can come up with some good suggestions and support for those who are having some difficulties with the NHS processes.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2009

    Re: Very afraid

    Sorry to hear that you went through it Carys , there is so much we don’t know about people’s struggles on here and what they’ve been through to bring them here , it’s good that you have kept your sense of humour and positivity.
    Over three years ago now Buster, hardly in my thoughts much to be honest apart from at times of mammograms. Thanks for your kind words though.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Very afraid

    Thank you all, you're such a brilliant bunch of people. Buster yes anxiety paints a wonderful picture of the future doesn't it. I've had visions of the funeral, how will I cope without her? One thing though that really really does scare me is that Mrs F has a set of illnesses as it is. Epilepsy, crohns disease, fibromyalgia, hip problems and a fatty liver with some cirrhosis.

    But one step at a time. The anxiety has been a raging monster. I can't believe its been a week since we were referred by the GP, it feels like a 40 years. Oh for private medicine eh? Carys it was sent as urgent, the woman I spoke to said the unit is having 'capacity issues'. PC speak for too many patients? Must get to bed guys. Night all.
    'It was a wedding ring, destined to be found in a cheap hotel, lost in a kitchen sink, or thrown in a wishing well' - Marillion, Clutching at Straws, 1987

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Very afraid

    I think you should go back to your GP about this. As far as I know, I'm sure Carys can confirm, you have a legal right to a 2 week window if that's what the GP has requested (England only). You waive this right if you choose to ask for a different appointment because you can't make it. There may be a possibility they have made a mistake in thinking this is a rebooking because of the missed call (which is a competence issue at their end, of course) or perhaps the person spoken to didn't notice it was an urgent request.

    But 6-8 weeks looks suspiciously like the timescale of the non urgent referrals to NHS depts.

    EDIT: Just noticed the 'capacity issues' bit. Well, then it comes down to which patients know their rights and make noise as opposed to those who accept a fob off
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