
I just want to say I am not anorexic. I was happy with my body 5'9 and 12 stone.

Since having some HA issues around ladies problems I am terrified to have a bowel movement as thats when i some symptoms. This means I usually dont want to eat because of anxiety...particularly anything stodgy or carby. My stress and lack of movement and diet has also given me constipation.

Most days I live on fruit juices, whey protein, nurishment can drinks and bits of fruit with maybe some crisps or a choc bar to beef up my calories. Worked out its 1000 calories a day on average. I try to get my fibre,protein and vitamins in. My anxiety means I only really crave bad foods instead of veggies.

This means I am currently just under 11 and half stone after 3 and a half weeks.

Want to eat but scared.