So i had severe depression and anxiety for years about little big mole on my shoulders ..

it's not perfectly round and that's what got me scared but it doesn't have colors thank god and it had little hairs grow on it - later it wil turn out good omen i guess -

So after years i finally went to a Dermatologist .. ON : 22 - 8 - 2017

she asked me if i had history of family i said no .. if i go out to the sun i said no at all for 8 years (yes I'm that lonely and anti social .. at home for almost 7-8 years )

anyway so she grabbed the microscope and she looked at it for only 20 seconds !!!! Then said there's nothing to worry about!!

She explained to me that it's okay it's benigen specially it has hair on it so it's normal ..

i asked her how often should i do check up she said while laughing a little " for you maybe 3 years " !!!!

She diagnosed me with this when i finished - imgur Image Link - :

So now I'm scared aot and my health anxiety and panic attacks been strikes again!

What if the doctor was missdignosed me? I mean she only looked at it for 20 sec for god sake!!

What if it's been long time since my check up .. it's from 2017!

What do you guys think ? What should I do?