Alot of people may not know but user Sarahnah and me are great friends in "real" life and even lived together during college for awhile!

We tried not to talk to much about our worries/HA issues as we didn't want to overcome our friendship and become the pnly topic of convo. So in a way it was pros and cons- anyway! We didn't want to feed into each other fears. We have talked about other issues but we both struggle with HA for different reasons...sorry this is long and confusing! Just trying to explain!

She is really struggling right now. Some of you may or may not have noticed but she deleted her thread. She did this after contacting admin and plans to bring it back when she's in a better place x She suffers so badly with her mental health- as she would say it can always be worse or other people have it worse so she always tried not to give into feelings to much...and sadly this has lead to a bad episodes for her.

She put alot of us- her friends first. Sitting up to all hours talking and taking care of us. That in away she let herself become overwhelmed with her own sadness and pain.

She know's I'm posting this as she asked me too! to let people know she's going to be gone along time but she wanted me to say thank you to anyone who has ever reached out/talked to her. I just also wanted to add here if she ever reads it- You have been one of my best friends and to quote your fav song. You were always on my mind x