How do I deal with past regrets? I am often struck with a thought in the middle of the night about something I should have done in the past.
This happened at 4am this morning. It suddenly hit me that something I hadn't done meant we missed out on a lot of money in the past. I genuinely hadn't realised until this morning and I have no idea why I think of or remember these things out of the blue (I guess that is ocd working at its best - suddenly finding a thought to scare the hell out of you).
Against my better judgement I asked my husband about it and he just shrugged and said 'ah well, we didn't miss the money at the time and it's too late to do anything about it now - just let it go'.
I want to do just that, let it go and leave this thought in the past where it belongs but I really don't know how.
How do others deal with thoughts like this?