I am relatively new here so I apologize if my post is in the wrong place. My current panic is being caused by pelvic pain that began about one month ago. I have had 2 episodes of painless bleeding after sex (TMI-sorry!) but it was after more vigorous sex than normal and it stopped almost immediately. I started having a dull aching in my pelvis in my uterine area spreading up to both ovaries. Sometimes I have sharp stabbing pains deep inside and also pain in the rectum (sharp stabbing pains there as well). Sometimes it’s a gnawing throbbing pain as well. It’s so strange. The pain seems to be worse after sitting for long periods of time. My period has been only maybe one day longer than usual but other than that, pretty normal. I am so scared that it’s the C word. I avoid going to the doctor out of fear of what they will tell Me but I do have an apt with the gynecologist in about 5 days. I have replied to posts on here to people who are currently having health anxiety over things I have fretted about in the past and have moved past and I wanted to weigh in to hopefully help them so I feel terrible posting my own anxiety over this new problem but I just have to talk about it.

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