Just a ramble.

Im trying not to worry too much, but yesterday my mom got told she has an ovarian cyst. My mom think it was about 4 cm, but she don't really remember. The gyno said it did not seem to have any fluid around it and she was not really worried and said i could be some ovulation bleeding. she had her uterus and cervix removed years ago cause to benign muscle Fibromas. now They did some bloodwork and it should come back in a couple of days, if everything is fine, she should come back in 6-8 weeks.

I'm really worried, I won't google or anything, but yesterday the thought of losing her was overwhelming. I can feel my own health anxiety creeping in on me and even though my mental health has been on a super low lv, this is not doing any good. I hope I can be there for her if she needs me to.