
I’ve struggled with HA specifically with female health issues. I STRUGGLED when I’m daughter was born with my breast and managed to make it trough without too much reassurance.

Fast forward I’m 17 months postpartum and haven’t breastfed in a year. Around July I found a lump near my nipple standing up that feels oval flat and rubbery. I can kinda still feel it laying down but it’s most noticeable standing up. It’s big maybe the size of my pinky finger tip. I waiting for my secheduled annual exam like my CBT has taught me and my doctor has suggested I get a ultrasound. I’m so freaked out and to boot I can’t get in for 2 weeks. I’m so worried that since it’s near my nipple and prominent it’s cancer.

Any advice???? I’m trying to keep my wits about me as I wait.