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Thread: Worst painc ever

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Unhappy Worst painc ever

    I just had one of the worst experience of my life, like it's truly shaken me. So I've been having very fast beats for a few months now as well as shortness of breath plus some pains every now and again but tonight I was laying in bed and shouldn't get settled. I just felt off. Out of no where my heart rate actually jumps up to racing, like my body was vibrating with it. It was truly horrifying. I tried to get it calm myself at first but couldn't. I went downstairs to my parents room (embrassing at 23) my legs and legs were weak the whole time. Like I really thought it was the end.

    Yet I stayed as calm as possible, so my Mam was kinda calm in return. She told me to sit on the couch and take deep breaths. (A little bit tmi) she started to rub my back and I started to burp alot so she kept doing it since I had pain between my shoulders and let's say..alot came up. We sat there for like a hour and my heart rate kinda came down. She kept getting me to breath. I've gone back to bed now and she's getting ready for work. I feel awful for pulling her out of bed over this. I normally try to keep this stuff from my family but I really couldn't cope with how fast and hard my heart was going plus the rest of stuff.

    My Mam kept reminding me I had good tests in 2018 and while my heart rate is always a bit fast my blood pressure good and the Doctor says my heart sounds fine. I really thought it was the end but seeing as that was well over a hour ago and I'm still here with a bit of burping and slower heart I think it's not a dropping like a fly any moment thing. I guess in one one it's shown how far I've come that I manged to go back to bed and not cry about needing to a&e. Sorry for ranting, it was very exhausting time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Worst painc ever

    For what it's worth, I think you did great. You had a really, really bad panic attack but you didn't surrender to it and go to A&E.

    You're going to feel awful today, but that's also okay. Take all the rest you need, and take comfort in the fact that you'll feel better in a few days.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Worst painc ever

    Thank you so much, your reply and words mean alot @blueirs, I know that I'm very lucky that my mam was there and reacted with a calm reaction and not getting upset. Sometimes it's easy to come back to reality with a calm person around.

    I think in moments like this in very guilty of forgetting how far I've come and feels like I'm back at square one and it's not going anywhere

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Worst painc ever

    I feel like that too. I had a bad day yesterday and last night I felt as though I was never going to feel okay again. I slept, though, and ate, and while I'm still feeling tired and not terribly keen on going to work today, I know that the weekend's coming soon.

    If you start getting stressed today, feel free to message me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Worst painc ever

    Blue Iris is a real kind soul.

    You could always pm me too but bear in mi d were in different time zones.

    There's a lot of good stuff here on how to combat panic attacks and it works but takes time. Definitely worth taking a look at.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Worst painc ever

    It sounds like you had trapped wind which can cause a tightness in the chest area and that would explain the pain and shortness of breath. I get it alot and because you don't feel right it makes you panic.
    You did absolutely the right thing and my mum would have your mum knew what to do probably because she has experienced it herself. Alot of pain in the body can be caused by trapped wind, I've even had it in my hands.
    So, if you feel these sensations again, you will know it is that and nothing scary. x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Worst painc ever

    It all sounds pretty normal for a panic attack. I would suggest not trying to over analyse it, and accept that you are doing the right thing by not reacting to it in a negative way. That's the key to long term recovery.

    I used to experience attacks like that all the time (several times a day at it's worst), but a combination of mediation and acceptance allowed me to stop having them. It takes time though, be patient.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2018

    Re: Worst painc ever

    Thank you all so, so much for the replies. Sorry I didn't come on sooner to reply, I manged to get some sleep and I had a short shift in work this evening so I'm only getting a chance to come on. I guess the fact today has been rough but the fact I'm still alive and kicking showed last night was just a bad few hours. It was very unsettling and today was hard- but I manged to go to work and all. I also had lots of acid (plus burping again). So maybe it was my old pal reflux all along! Like it's easy for me to know that the worst part for me was not the pain or anything it was the super fast/hard heart-rate thing. My whole body feels so weak- but the fact it did come down was a good thing!

    @BlueIris, Thank you so much, I hope you had a better day today x It's not easy it is!

    @Lebonvin Thank you so much for the reply, I'll defo read up more here

    @Carnation Thank you so much, My mam said the same thing! She told me she's suffered horrible with it in the past. That one time she was driving and she said to pull over for two hours until she felt able to drive again. She also said it was easier to help me since I was calm as possible talking to her because I could explain what was happening instead of freaking out and crying (like I used to in the past).

    @Ankietjoe, Thank you for the reply, I've done my best to let it go today. Even tho it's not been easy, I've said to myself, well I made it this far so I'll make it further. I'm in therapy and I know it does sound like I haven't come far but I have gotten things like this before and I ended up with people having to stay with me all day because I was in such a state. I'm sorry you had to experience things like that in the past but from my reading of what you said you're doing better now and I hope it counties that way!

    I'm aware I said thank you alot there- but I truly mean it. Thank everyone for replying and I'll try my best to get on track again.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Worst painc ever

    Quote Originally Posted by ankietyjoe View Post
    It all sounds pretty normal for a panic attack. I would suggest not trying to over analyse it, and accept that you are doing the right thing by not reacting to it in a negative way. That's the key to long term recovery.

    I used to experience attacks like that all the time (several times a day at it's worst), but a combination of mediation and acceptance allowed me to stop having them. It takes time though, be patient.
    I agree with Joe. And yes, @BlueIris is a star

    @OP I was in a shared house at Uni when I was around 23. I was cleaning my lizard tank (geckos) and suddenly I felt off. I had a horrid pain in my chest and my heart rate rocketed. I told my then girlfriend who tried to calm me but my heart rate was abnormal. I ran downstairs into one of the other girls rooms screaming "I'm dying I need an ambulance please help me". She was lay on the bed and completely freaked out and then worried for me. I ran outside hysterical pacing back and forth begging people to feel my pulse. "Please check my pulse this isn't right".

    I waited about a minute after calling 999 and no ambulance. I didn't even give them time. I called 999 again. I told the lady "Please I'm dying how far is the ambulance I need to know the GPRS location". The lady was telling me to calm down. I sat on the fence crying. The fence broke and I fell on my butt. The ambulance arrived. I went inside and they hooked me up.

    I begged the man to hold his hand. He laughed and said no. He said you're having a panic attack take some breaths. He said my heart was fast, but normal and that I wasn't having a heart attack. He insisted going to the hospital is a waste of time but he will take me if I liked. I declined.

    I went back indoors full of guilt. My little brother seen it all too. He was in tears. I forgot about him. My chest was still hurting like really bad. I started feeling my chest and I could feel the rib cage was sore. Turns out the panic caused me to damage a muscle in my rib. That's how tense I was. It took 3 days for that pain to subside.

    Worst panic attack ever. Hope you feel better
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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Worst painc ever

    Quote Originally Posted by LouiseAndy View Post

    from my reading of what you said you're doing better now and I hope it counties that way!
    I don't experience panic any more. It's important to understand that no matter how bad you think you feel, it's just a sensation...nothing more. Every single person alive will experience anxiety, but it becomes a problem when we elevate anxiety to a problem in and of itself. This is when it becomes a disorder.

    Anxiety happens for a reason, and these days it's almost always stress. Too much work, poor diet, not enough sleep, unresolved problems,not enough exercise, alcohol etc etc...or a combination of those things. In other words, modern life offers up multiple layers of discreet stress that can build up into an over fatigued central nervous system.

    Attack it from two sides. Resolve the stress issues AND staying calm during a panic attack is what will ultimately work.

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