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Thread: Starting fluoxetine after trying St John’s Wort

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Starting fluoxetine after trying St John’s Wort

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrsmitchell1984 View Post
    Do I really need to take one more 284mg today Down under? Yesterday was my first day on 284mg- I was on 500mg for 3 days before that.
    You could try going without it and only taking it if you experience severe withdrawal, though separating the symptoms from the heightened anxiety may be difficult.

    Also, this information about going back on antidepressants and them not working is really scaring me. This will be the 4th time that I go on them and they have worked every time but I have noticed it takes longer and I have to go to a higher dose each time. I haven’t noticed that they have stopped working overtime though. I was on them for 4.5 years on my last stint and they were a huge life line. Now I am not sure what to do- do I try something else this time?
    Unfortunately, there is no way of knowing how you will react this time. Fluoxetine does have one major advantage in this situation as its very long half-life usually makes switching to another med fairly easy. In you position I'd probably give it one more shot.

    If fluoxetine doesn't work then supplementing it with a small dose of buspirone (Buspar) might reinvigorate it. Buspirone is a Generalised Anxiety med which works very well for some and not at all for most, however, it has a pretty good record for returning pooped out SSRIs to full function and boosting their effectiveness. It can also ease some of the common initial side-effects, and one, or two of the ongoing ones too, especially sexual dysfunction.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Starting fluoxetine after trying St John’s Wort

    Wow thanks Panic Down Under for all your valuable information. You know so much!

    Would it be better to go for another anti depressant rather than Fluoxetine? Is it more likely to work quickly if it is a different once.

    First time on Fluoxetine it worked almost straight away.

    Second time - awful side effects from the second day and gradually worked and cured after 6 weeks.

    Third time - awful side effects from second day and gradually worked- I had a good day after 4 days and was cured after 10weeks (although I had loads of good days in a row and then bad days before the bad days disappeared after 10 weeks).

    Many thanks,


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Starting fluoxetine after trying St John’s Wort

    Thanks Lebonvin for all your advice. Sorry if I appeared to be someone who lies in bed all day. I am probably not making much sense at the moment x

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: Starting fluoxetine after trying St John’s Wort

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrsmitchell1984 View Post
    Thanks Lebonvin for all your advice. Sorry if I appeared to be someone who lies in bed all day. I am probably not making much sense at the moment x
    No problem Ma'am. Just hope you feel well soon

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Starting fluoxetine after trying St John’s Wort

    Thank you - how are you?

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Starting fluoxetine after trying St John’s Wort

    So today is day 2 of no drugs at all. I last took a St Johns wort at 4pm on Monday and so by 4pm today it’ll be 48 hours which seems to be the half life of St Johns- I am going to try to do a few more days to ensure it is completely washed out though.

    Weirdly, I don’t feel so bad today.
    I think it is because I am at the doctors and it’s typical when you want the doctor to see how bad you are- you don’t feel as bad.

    Maybe I am slowly getting back to how I was before the St Johns wort - which I guess can increase your anxiety.

    Biggest problem I have got at the moment is - is it anxiety on its own or depression that I am suffering from? Does it really matter. I can function and I can’t sit still (when I am in antidepressants I am the opposite- I am tired and could sit down for an eternity).

  7. #27
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    Feb 2015

    Re: Starting fluoxetine after trying St John’s Wort

    So I have been prescribed an anti histamine for sleep and fluoxetine to start at 10mg.

    Dr was not sure about St. John’s wort at all and said it’ll probably by fine after 5 days. She said go to A/E if a problem x

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Starting fluoxetine after trying St John’s Wort

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrsmitchell1984 View Post
    is it anxiety on its own or depression
    Each is simply a different symptoms produced by the same underlying biology. Some experience it as anxiety, others as depression, and some get to experience the untold 'joys' of both.

    So I have been prescribed an anti histamine for sleep
    Which one?

    She said go to A/E if a problem
    Most of the symptoms of serotonin syndrome are benign, though unpleasant, the one to watch out for is a sudden large spike in temperature - measured with a thermometer, simply feeling hot isn't a good guide. However, I very much doubt it will come to that. Serotonin syndrome is more talked about, feared and imagined than actually experienced.

  9. #29
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    Feb 2015

    Re: Starting fluoxetine after trying St John’s Wort

    That is massively reassuring about serotonin syndrome-thank you.

    I am feeling a lot better today and wondering if I just had a bad reaction to St. John’s wort. I was taking it for 2.5 weeks at under the stated dose and upped the dose at the weekend. Maybe it was too much-as things got much worse after the weekend- despite me sticking to the stated dose.

    Anyway, I have been prescribed promethazine hydrochloride by the doctor. My worry is can I still take it despite SJW being still techinically being in wash out period and also was my sleep just affected by St J W. I know they say the side effects of SJW are mild etc but maybe as I have already taken and SSRI it may have made them worse. I am fully expecting lots of side effects when I go back on Fluoxetine.

    Sally xxxx

  10. #30
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    Feb 2015

    Re: Starting fluoxetine after trying St John’s Wort

    And I am wondering if going on to a different type of anti depressant or an SNRI instead will be better?

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