Hey Guys,
To start with my name isnt Kieran anymore so plz ignore the username, its Ciera

So I was on the way home from Uni in the car today (my mum was driving) and I started getting some tingling in my chest.... About 10 minutes later this turned pretty quickly into intense fluttering in my chest with a dull ache; I started to have really low shallow breathing, became very dizzy and lightheaded, felt very sick, had a dull ache all over my arm, I felt very sweaty very suddenly and my anxiety levels sky rocketed on their own....

Being the health anxiety person I am I quickly grabbed for my phone and googled heart attack.... And low be hold, I meet the symtpoms! Not of the full on attack, but the more silent subtle heart attacks that go unnoticed more....

I quickly start panicking like crazy and I tell my mum... She pulls over and tells me she thinks its just because I havent eatten much today because she gets lightheaded and stuff when she hasnt eaten (Diabetes doesnt run in the family, shes been tested and so have we all). I eat a sandwich and nothing changes... Ive never had anything like that from not eating so I dont see why it would be that?.... Its almost 2 hours since the onset and the symptoms are all still there just not as severe, but I am panicking like CRAZY and am convinced its a heart attack and that I'm going to die tonight and I dont know what to do.... Half of me is saying its just anxiety, ill be fine... the other has is like 'GO TO A&E NOW, YOU NEED MEDICAL ATTENTION'....

For background information: Im a 22 year old trans woman with health anxiety. I take estrodial via HRT, and am on Zoladex injectable implants once every 3 months.... I'm aware this puts me at risk of blood clots. And I was up late last night with an intense cramp in my leg. I looked at my leg several times to check for redness or swelling and didnt see any so i just forgot about it, but now im concerned that it was and its giving me a heart attack...

Please help...