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Thread: 2 years on sertraline tapering off

  1. #11

    Re: Taper failed upping dose please read

    So you think I’ll be back to myself in a couple
    Of days? And the thoughts will go away again?

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Taper failed upping dose please read

    Quote Originally Posted by Kayleigh0910 View Post
    So you think I’ll be back to myself in a couple
    Of days? And the thoughts will go away again?
    In most cases yes to both, however, as with everything about ADs, there are no guarantees.

  3. #13

    Re: Taper failed upping dose please read

    Felt lot better this afternoon and tonight and managed to carry on with every day to day thing hope I wake up ok but trying not to think about it either and get on with it

  4. #14

    Re: Taper failed upping dose please read

    got up this morning slept bit better managed to
    Take kids to school! still anxious, heart racing, tired, go hot and cold, hoping it would of passed by now xx

    3rd day of 100mg
    3rd dose of 100mg tonight

  5. #15

    Re: Taper failed upping dose please read

    4 doses of 100mg
    4 days of 100mg
    5th dose tonight
    Just want to feel myself again I go up to 150mg on the 30th this was the dose I settled on last time just hope it settles in time for Christmas

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Taper failed upping dose please read

    Quote Originally Posted by Kayleigh0910 View Post
    4 doses of 100mg
    4 days of 100mg
    5th dose tonight
    Just want to feel myself again I go up to 150mg on the 30th this was the dose I settled on last time just hope it settles in time for Christmas
    It should do as you're not starting from scratch.

    It is probably too early as plasma levels of the increase to 100mg won't have stabilized yet, but has there been any change in side-effects and anxiety severity?

  7. #17

    Re: Taper failed upping dose please read

    Anxiety gets less of an afternoon/evening the shakes seem to have subsided and I managed to eat more yesterday. Wake up feeling irritated but does wear off

  8. #18

    Re: Taper failed upping dose please read

    So last night was my 6th dose of 100mg but my anxiety is terrible! Woke up loads lastnight extremely anxious every time felt like my body was like buzzing? I was quite scared I’m not sure if it was a dream or something but I can’t remember it if it was and it went on all night??
    Any insight??

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: Taper failed upping dose please read

    Quote Originally Posted by Kayleigh0910 View Post
    So last night was my 6th dose of 100mg but my anxiety is terrible! Woke up loads lastnight extremely anxious every time felt like my body was like buzzing? I was quite scared I’m not sure if it was a dream or something but I can’t remember it if it was and it went on all night??
    Any insight??
    It might be the typical increase in anxiety that often accompanies SSRI dose increases, or just one of those inexplicable, usually short-lived, setbacks common to ADs. They can be unpredictable meds prone to producing a 1 step forward then 2-3 back shuffle which can be unnerving, but doesn't mean anything significant. The thing to keep an eye on is the good periods. As long as they steadily increase in frequency, duration and quality you're on the right track.

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