My boyfriend just cleaned the whole bathroom without gloves and just used antibacterials wipes. He then, before washing his hands, came to give me a kiss and grabbed the sides of my face while he did. I'm so upset.

I'm so scared of flesh-eating bacteria at the minute that it's on my mind all the time. And I know you can get it from germs such as the ones you find in the bathroom (strep A, staph, etc.) I have an open spot on my face too and sore skin on my ears where he touched. I'm so so worried. I've washed my face but I'm worried that it's too late and the germs have got in. I've not been well for the last few days either and have a really bad cold, so my immune system isn't at it's best. I'm always so careful with germs. It was hours ago and I can't stop worrying.

I don't know what I'm hoping for but posting because what's done is done. Argh.